How long does PTCAS processing take?

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5+ Year Member
Mar 14, 2018
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Hi, for those of you who have already submitted your application (with everything already received - letters of rec, observation hours, etc), how long did it take PTCAS to process your application?

I know the website says it can take up to 4 - 5 weeks at the heaviest peak, but realistically, what has been the turnover rate for everyone? Thank you!

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I applied during the last cycle, and honestly, transcripts took forever to process. And it took me about 3-4 weeks to get everything processed through PTCAS. Keep in mind when you send your transcripts, I did everything during July/August and that's a really busy time because everyone wants to get everything in before classes start so it does take a little longer. I would give yourself more time so nothing unexpected happens!

I had a friend applying last cycle and he didn't get into any schools because his transcript didn't process in time. I don't want you to be in that predicament!
I applied during the last cycle, and honestly, transcripts took forever to process. And it took me about 3-4 weeks to get everything processed through PTCAS. Keep in mind when you send your transcripts, I did everything during July/August and that's a really busy time because everyone wants to get everything in before classes start so it does take a little longer. I would give yourself more time so nothing unexpected happens!

I had a friend applying last cycle and he didn't get into any schools because his transcript didn't process in time. I don't want you to be in that predicament!

Hi there, by processing do you just mean sending in your transcripts to PTCAS and having it marked as arrived? Or do you mean processing as in transcripts have already been received, you submitted, and PTCAS is reviewing everything for verification?

I am planning to only submit once all of my letters of recommendation, transcripts, and observation hours have marked as arrived/completed. I already have my transcripts received by PTCAS. I was more worried about how long it took PTCAS to process/verify my application like courses, grades, and whatnot after I submit.
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Hi there, by processing do you just mean sending in your transcripts to PTCAS and having it marked as arrived? Or do you mean processing as in transcripts have already been received, you submitted, and PTCAS is reviewing everything for verification?

I am planning to only submit once all of my letters of recommendation, transcripts, and observation hours have marked as arrived/completed. I already have my transcripts received by PTCAS. I was more worried about how long it took PTCAS to process/verify my application like courses, grades, and whatnot after I submit.
Oh okay! Sorry I misunderstood! If i understand correctly, as long as everything is done, it should only take a day or two for your application to be processed!
Hi there, by processing do you just mean sending in your transcripts to PTCAS and having it marked as arrived? Or do you mean processing as in transcripts have already been received, you submitted, and PTCAS is reviewing everything for verification?

I am planning to only submit once all of my letters of recommendation, transcripts, and observation hours have marked as arrived/completed. I already have my transcripts received by PTCAS. I was more worried about how long it took PTCAS to process/verify my application like courses, grades, and whatnot after I submit.
Note that PTCAS warns to SUBMIT your individual applications as soon as you have manually keyed your grades and requested and received your copy of transcripts from your individual colleges. Do
No worries! and thank you! :)
I submitted 8 applications on July 8, meaning grades keyed, transcripts in, etc. As of today, still not verified.