How long to get CSW SRTA exam results?

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Dec 1, 2009
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I just wanted to see if anyone knows how long it takes to get CSW exam results for SRTA. I took it today and got a completion report after I finished. It said that my scores would be available from my testing agency along with my clinical exam results (I'm not taking the clinical portion for a few more weeks). In the SRTA manual, it says that they will be available after CSW receives them. I'm just curious if I should expect them in the next couple of days or if it is going to be a while. Thank you!

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I just wanted to see if anyone knows how long it takes to get CSW exam results for SRTA. I took it today and got a completion report after I finished. It said that my scores would be available from my testing agency along with my clinical exam results (I'm not taking the clinical portion for a few more weeks). In the SRTA manual, it says that they will be available after CSW receives them. I'm just curious if I should expect them in the next couple of days or if it is going to be a while. Thank you!

You will get your results along w/the clinical scores, it all comes together. WREB does the same thing.
Some people here in Louisville got them early, but I didn't get them until a week or two after my clinical results. Damn CSW!