How much away-from-school time do you have?

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New Englander

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7+ Year Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Hi all, I'm starting medical school this year at UNECOM and was wondering how much of the work can be done outside the campus (ie. At home in the company of a loved one)?

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You should PM @Mad Jack. If he doesn't reply, spam the s*** out of his PM until he does. :p don't kill me MJ lol.
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We had about 14 hours of required in-class time per week last year. There were about 12 more hours of lecture per week, but those could be compressed down to about 6 hours on double speed at home. UNECOM is very flexible, or at least it was, but curriculums change, so no promises as to how it will be in the coming years. Supposedly not a whole lot is changing, but who knows.