How much time do you spend doing research?

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2+ Year Member
Mar 29, 2020
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Just curious how many hours per week in & out of the semester you all spend doing research, or how many PIs you all work with.

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Around an hour each work-day for me, I do that before the daily lectures, but I actually enjoy doing the research I'm doing now so I don't think others do as much.
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In my pre-clinical years, there were bursts of days or weekends where I would be working really hard on projects and lighter weeks where I was waiting for things to happen. It varies widely. So does the number of PIs worked with. I would say that depth of experience is more important than breadth because you'll get a much better letter if you work with a few people for a long time than with many people just briefly for a project at a time.
Minimal during school, quite a bit during winter break.
In my pre-clinical years, there were bursts of days or weekends where I would be working really hard on projects and lighter weeks where I was waiting for things to happen. It varies widely. So does the number of PIs worked with. I would say that depth of experience is more important than breadth because you'll get a much better letter if you work with a few people for a long time than with many people just briefly for a project at a time.
Same. I would have a short period of crunching out data analysis, literature screening, or manuscript writing. Then I would wait a while for the next part (edits from the senior author, data from a co-author, etc)