How much to write for writing section?

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20+ Year Member
Apr 10, 2003
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How many pages is a good number? I did a few practice and I think I am writing too little. Most of the time I can answer the questions and give examples in just over a page. EK says to do 2 pages though....

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I've usually done about 1-1.5 pages on my PR diag's. That seems to be enough for me to say what I want to say.
I try to write a five-paragraph essay. I make it four paragraphs if I'm short on time.
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yeah, i was wondering about this too... EK said 2 pages total? or 1 page per essay = 2pages?
OK all I hope this helps everyone. You should only write 3 paragraphs. Whether you make it a half page or 5 pages it doesn't matter, it should only be 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph answers an individual task (1. what you think the statement means, 2. describe an incident when this may not occur, 3. discus what determines numbers 1 & 2 to take place), they do not have to be in order. The graders are looking that you understand these tasks in relation with the topic. They will read your essay for only 1 minute then move on to the next. GIVE EXAMPLES!!!! You can't just state the obvious like saying "My beer was in the fridge so it is cold". Give historical citations i.e. MLK or Battle of the Buldge, quote people like Superman or Rocky, strengthen your essay but make sure it's UNIFIED! That's where you get your points. In my practice I do the essays in about 1.5 pages and have done fine. But the graders don't like my handwriting. Eat it graders!