How should I label the same volunteer experience during two different time periods?

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2+ Year Member
Nov 22, 2021
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I apologize if the question is written poorly. Anyways, I am interested in applying to med school next year, however, something that I wanted your opinion on is how would you guys label this experience? From the timespan of January 2022-May 2023 I have earned 148 hours volunteering at a soup kitchen. I would have kept on going but due to circumstances in life, I had to stop volunteering and focus on helping a family member suffering from a condition. I recently got back into volunteering at the same soup kitchen, starting in August of this year and if nothing else drastically happens then I intend on volunteering until next year, in which I hope to garner another 150 hours. So my overall question is this; when applying for med schools should I say that I volunteered at this place cumulatively from January 2022-XX2025 with 300+ hours? Or would it be better to separate the experiences and instead fill in two sections in which I say "Activity#1: I volunteered at XX from January 2022-May 2023 with 148 hours. Activity#2: I volunteered at XX again from August 2024- XX 2025." Sorry, if this comes across as a mess. Next year will be my first time applying and I am not sure the appropriate way in which this should be labeled. Thank you.

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I apologize if the question is written poorly. Anyways, I am interested in applying to med school next year, however, something that I wanted your opinion on is how would you guys label this experience? From the timespan of January 2022-May 2023 I have earned 148 hours volunteering at a soup kitchen. I would have kept on going but due to circumstances in life, I had to stop volunteering and focus on helping a family member suffering from a condition. I recently got back into volunteering at the same soup kitchen, starting in August of this year and if nothing else drastically happens then I intend on volunteering until next year, in which I hope to garner another 150 hours. So my overall question is this; when applying for med schools should I say that I volunteered at this place cumulatively from January 2022-XX2025 with 300+ hours? Or would it be better to separate the experiences and instead fill in two sections in which I say "Activity#1: I volunteered at XX from January 2022-May 2023 with 148 hours. Activity#2: I volunteered at XX again from August 2024- XX 2025." Sorry, if this comes across as a mess. Next year will be my first time applying and I am not sure the appropriate way in which this should be labeled. Thank you.
There is a "Repeated" feature on AMCAS that allows you to enter two to four date spans in one Activity slot, each with its own Total Hours. Your Contact, location, and description would be the same for each, but you can add an explanation for the hiatus if you wish.
There is a "Repeated" feature on AMCAS that allows you to enter two to four date spans in one Activity slot, each with its own Total Hours. Your Contact, location, and description would be the same for each, but you can add an explanation for the hiatus if you wish.
ahh, that's fantastic. Thank you.