How to prepare?

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2+ Year Member
Apr 27, 2020
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Hi everyone

I applied to US MD schools on July 15 (submitting primary) and I know that's a little late

I had to get my MCAT score in and was pleasantly surprised (when I legit thought I did poorly and wouldn't be able to apply this cycle)

What should I do to prepare? Relatively low stat applicant...

Not verified yet and prob won't be until August

Should I prewrite my secondaries? Where can I find the prompts? I received secondaries from a FEW schools

Also is applying to DO too late right now?

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Please tell me the "is" for MD is a typo?


I will prewrite secondaries so as SOON as I get them, I can submit. But where can I find prompts?
Sorry, it's NOT too late for either! Will fix

I will prewrite secondaries so as SOON as I get them, I can submit. But where can I find prompts?

Have no idea.
Sorry, it's NOT too late for either! Will fix

I will prewrite secondaries so as SOON as I get them, I can submit. But where can I find prompts?

Have no idea.

Phew! OK. Thank you!!!
You can find secondary prompts through this reddit link:

I submitted in July as well and I'm just pre-writing all of my secondaries so they can all be sent in immediately after I get them. Good luck!
You can find secondary prompts through this reddit link:

I submitted in July as well and I'm just pre-writing all of my secondaries so they can all be sent in immediately after I get them. Good luck!

Thank you!! Mind if I DM you?