
  1. Z

    Updating Your Information on Secondaries or in AMCAS

    I just realized that I have my name on a poster for my research lab in a neurosurgery department. Is that something I should have included on my AMCAS application? I am the second author on it, but I have already submitted AMCAS and TMDSAS along with 19 secondaries. I didn't include it...
  2. LindaAccepted

    Medical Applying to Medical School? Here Are Some FAQs about the AMCAS Application

    1. What is the AMCAS application? AMCAS stands for the American Medical College Application Service, which is a centralized application service available through the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). It allows candidates to apply to multiple allopathic (MD) medical schools using a...
  3. LindaAccepted

    Medical Writing Compelling Activity Descriptions to Boost Your Med School Application

    Having worked in admissions for over two decades, I have read thousands of activity descriptions for medical school and related healthcare fields. Some candidates seem to view this element of their application as less important than their personal statement, writing only cursory descriptions of...
  4. D

    Reusing application materials

    I am planning to submit my apps and would like to know how much material I can reuse from last year, if I only had submitted a primary, but not secondaries? Last cycle, I had submitted my primary but withdrew prior to submitting secondaries due to personal reasons and it being late in the cycle...
  5. G

    Dumb AMCAS Primary Mistake

    Somehow, where AMCAS asks for “Contact Title”, I put down Dr., Mrs., or Mr. for every single one of my activity references. For some reason I thought it was asking for salutations for when they contacted these people. This is where their job title should have been. I should’ve read the applicant...
  6. G

    HElP!!! I Messed up in my Work/Activities Section!

    Somehow the format of my activities section got messed up and one of my extracurriculars has no description at all???? I want to send a letter to schools and give them some sort of description considering that experience gave me some clinical hours. When should I send that letter? Is it too...
  7. TitaniusAnglesmith

    LOR intented for only one school (USC) will now go to every school on my AMCAS

    Hi Folks, I'm in need of some advice: Like most, I have a list of 6 LORs that were supposed to go into my pre-health department's letter packaging system. In addition to this, I have a handful of letters meant to go to specific schools. One in particular, my most notable, is going to one of my...
  8. LindaAccepted

    Medical What’s New with the 2025 AMCAS Application?

    If you are a medical school applicant with the goal of matriculating in the fall of 2025, it is time to submit your primary application! The American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) opened on May 1, 2024, and fully completed applications can now be submitted (as of May 28, 2024)...
  9. C


    1. Thank you so much!!
  10. T

    AP Coursework for AMCAS

    Hello! I know that when you have all your AP credit lumped together on your official transcript, AMCAS lets you either keep it lumped or list each AP out and distribute the credit hours. For the second option, they want the course name formatted to be "AP Credit: Calculus" etc. I realized after...
  11. I

    MD Admissions: *What* do AP Credits count for?

    I'm just a bit confused about how AP credits work for most med schools. Most med schools state that "AP credits are accepted". When they say this, what, specifically, does this *mean*? Is AP Chemistry accepted for the entire Gen Chem track? Or is AP Chemistry accepted for one semester of...
  12. V

    Potential IA -- Advice?

    Hi -- I'm new to SDN but I was just wanting to get an idea of the severity of my misconduct. I'm in my freshman year of undergrad. I made a mistake, and lied about getting an assignment in to my professor before a certain date when I hadn't. The professor caught me out and filed a report on me...
  13. IWishICouldPhysics

    How do you know when you're "done" with secondaries?

    Howdy! I'm not sure if the general forum is the "right" place to put this (my apologies if not), but I've been doing some pre-writing, and I've found that I'm often pleased with my first draft, with some changes as needed. Considering that I probably had a dozen drafts of my PS (and it took...
  14. S

    Childhood Information - Frequent Moves

    *Please don't quote!* Hi all, Filling out AMCAS and came across "Childhood Information." It asks for the area where we spent the majority of our life from birth to age eighteen. The thing is, I grew up moving around a lot (non-military), and the most I have lived in places prior to 18 was 3.5...
  15. alisonbechdel

    Degree on Transcript Question

    Hello! I recently graduated, but requested my transcript after getting my spring grades and before commencement. My transcript was marked as "received" the day of commencement. Based the date of degree conferral listed on my unofficial transcript, I believe the version sent to AMCAS has my...
  16. M

    Not Applying to School on CASPER Distribution list?

    I took CASPER already and am thinking that I no longer want to apply to a school that I marked for distribution (my understanding is that you can't undo this once you've taken the test)- is this OK?
  17. D

    Questions regarding my activities description

    Hello everyone, I'm currently in the process of writing my Work/Activities section and I have some questions (I'm an international student and I have no access to any particular advising so google/reddit/SDN are my only sources of information about the process). I didn't think about the AMCAS...
  18. LindaAccepted

    Medical Early Decision for Medical School: Does It Make Sense For You?

    Do you have a dream school, the one place you’ve always wanted to study medicine, and no other school will do? Do you have a compelling reason for attending this one particular program? Maybe your spouse’s job requires them to be in this location, or your only living family member is in the...
  19. A

    Is this considered an institutional action that must be disclosed on AMCAS?

    Greetings everyone, I would like some advice regarding a potential institutional action that may or may not need to be disclosed on my AMCAS application for this 2025 cycle. So, during winter break this past year I had an electric kettle with a detachable kettle in my dorm. This kettle was...
  20. BigDawg101

    MD WAMC? 524 4.0 Applicant (College Senior on 1-Gap Year Track)

    Thank you for all the help!
  21. Ani C

    AMCAS Course Classification Questions

    I did poorly in 2 classes named "evolution of animal behavior" and "principles of evolution". By poorly, I mean I received Cs for these classes. My university does not put subject indicators in front of course codes, for example it will just say "269:304" instead of a typical "BIOL 101" for...
  22. Lawrence Ubah

    Will I be invited to an interview without all my transcripts submitted?

    I am thinking of taking an art class and 2 more classes to boost my gpa one last time. But I don’t want it to hinder my chances of getting a medical school interview. I’m not sure if medical schools require that they receive all my transcripts before they invite me for an interview?
  23. M

    Application advice from a 6-year admissions consultant

    After working with 300+ students to develop and submit their applications, I watch students do the stupidest things (e.g. “I want to write a secondary about how I grew up rich and how I’m proud of it and don’t think I should hide it” – his exact words by the way). I also witness incredible...
  24. D


  25. R

    Texas Resident WAMC/ cumulative: 3.68; sci: 3.73 (AMCAS)/ cumulative:3.72; sci: 3.79(TMDSAS)/MCAT 517.

    The reason for the lower cumulative GPA is that while I started to show an upward trend after my sophomore year, I gained 2 Fs in the summer after sophomore year. This is due to me having to go to India to care for my parents and sister because they were all hospitalized and bedridden, which...
  26. D

    Consequences with AMCAS for violating an AACOMAS acceptance

    I was just accepted to a DO school, but I am waiting to hear back from 20 other MD schools. The acceptance requires that I send a deposit and sign an agreement to attend within a few days. If I accept this agreement, but get accepted to an MD school and say yes to that one too, what will...
  27. jacob42

    Should I be worried?

    I've applied to 24 medical schools this cycle from a broad list. Using MCAT of 518, I applied to 25% of schools at <25th percentile, 50% between 25th and 75th, and 25% at >75th. So far, I've gotten 0 IIs, 0 A, and so far 6 pre-II rejections. Here is my list: R Boston University Aram V...
  28. hi.985

    Would this class count towards my science GPA (BCPM) for AMCAS & TMDSAS?

    BIOL 3318 Forensic Biology - Role and methodology of biological testing in criminal investigation and forensic science. Analysis of the procedures and methodologies employed in the collection, preservation and screening of biological evidence, and protein and DNA testing. Population genetics...
  29. M

    WAMC? Should I Apply DO or Just MD?

    Hello, I applied to 28 MD, submitting my secondaries 2-3 weeks after receiving them, so I was finished around early-mid August. I was planning on applying to 3-5 DO schools to have more options, since my stats are mid. Honestly, I was more focused on the 28 MD at the beginning of the summer and...
  30. A

    Letter of Intent guidelines

    Hello, I am wondering if there are any good guidelines to LOIs, as I am considering sending some to schools who have not responded back to me post secondaries. Granted, its still pretty early into the application cycle but I am getting a bit worried as I have not heard back from any schools...
  31. O

    WAMC MD 2023-2024 3.8, 517

    What are my chances for the 2023-2024 cycle. I applied already but have not received any interviews yet so someone on edit told me to post here. I have: MCAT: 517 (Chm/Phy : 128 CARRS: 129 Bio/Biochem: 129 Psych/Soc: 131) overall GPA: 3.8 BCPM GPA: 3.77 FL resident
  32. sheeeesh2021

    Anyone Interested In Critiquing my Personal Statement

    If so, I can share my personal statement through DMs.
  33. D

    Is the 'and lab' phrase important in prereq name?

    While filling out my first secondary, I realized that for one of my gen chem prereqs I forgot to write 'and lab' in the name (i.e. it just says "General Chemistry II ... (4 credit hours)" instead of "General Chemistry II and lab") and I'm worried schools might think I only took 1 lab semester. I...
  34. K

    Is a "O" symbol on academic record a red flag?

    My primary was just verified yesterday but I had a quick question. I had a class that was listed as Incomplete on my transcript but the professor later gave me an A+. (PI forgot to submit grades). I put it in my AMCAS shown below but AAMC put a “O” mark on it. Should I just leave it like this...
  35. A

    List of MD schools that filter for secondaries?

    Hi all! Is there by chance a list of MD schools that vet before sending secondaries? I know there are some schools that just send secondaries once verified, was wondering if there was a comprehensive list of schools that vet (and saves us a whole lotta money T__T) Thanks!
  36. A

    Do’s and Do nots for writing secondaries?

    Hello! What are some common dos and do nots for writing secondaries? From speaking with a couple folks I have: Do’s: - Begin with the in state schools - Make clear outlines to address the prompt specifically - Be specific to the med school in question Do Nots: - Copy paste from other prompts...
  37. LindaAccepted

    Medical Here’s How to Match Your Values to the Medical School Mission Statement

    Here’s How to Match Your Values to the Medical School Mission Statement While every U.S. medical school offers you an education that will prepare you for a career as a successful physician, the social mission of each school vary greatly, and you should understand these nuances before you apply...
  38. D

    Q about courses/AP credit which aren't on transcript for AMCAS

    Hello, I took some gen science courses in freshman year which I had AP credit for. I know that you are supposed to list them on the AMCAS application as repeats and then also add the corresponding AP course. However, my college official transcript doesn't list any specific AP credit on my...
  39. A

    Red Flag if LOR is for "grad school" and not medical school?

    I have some letters which are written for general "grad school admissions", not specifically med school. Would including these be a red flag? Should I prioritize letters which specify "medical school" over general letters for grad schools? Some of the grad school letters are pretty well written...
  40. Mr.Smile12

    ARTICLE PUBLISHED: Other Impactful Experiences

    Updating, the article is out