I did IR now research and am now thinking about DR

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Jun 24, 2012
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I did IR research early in medical school and am now considering DR programs. I am most interested in going somewhere that will set me up for a career and academia and am unsure if I will have better/more options applying to DR or IR. My IR research lead to several presentations, a full-length publication in a small journal, a case report in a large journal, and another case report. I also have several other publications from non-radiology research I did earlier. My step 1 score was well over 250 and year 3 is going well so far. Will my lack of DR-specific publications and/or work with other specialties hold me back from top-tier DR interview invites?

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I did IR research early in medical school and am now considering DR programs. I am most interested in going somewhere that will set me up for a career and academia and am unsure if I will have better/more options applying to DR or IR. My IR research lead to several presentations, a full-length publication in a small journal, a case report in a large journal, and another case report. I also have several other publications from non-radiology research I did earlier. My step 1 score was well over 250 and year 3 is going well so far. Will my lack of DR-specific publications and/or work with other specialties hold me back from top-tier DR interview invites?

No. You'll get plenty of DR interviews at top places.

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nothing to worry about-- good research is good research