I got a D+ in a GE

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Dec 25, 2014
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Im a second year college student at UCI new to these forums because I wanted to ask a question. I received two As in organic chemistry and chemistry lab, a B+ in Genetics and D+ in my Chicano Latino studies class. This is the only bad grade below a B I have ever gotten in my life, and its a GE. I'm really worried about my chances of getting into med school because of it. I am planning to retake it but some people have told me that it doesn't matter because medical schools will still know that I received a D. Please help! My Overall GPA dropped from a 3.7 to a 3.49.

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Every medical school will see both grades but D.O. schools take the highest one and counts that. M.D. counts its both times.
Well, you're a sophomore. Although the D+ is certainly lowering your average, with continuing good performance, you could very well end up with around a 3.6 or 3.7 by the time you apply.

Don't be so blue! Just don't repeat any mistakes.

Merry Christmas, and good luck!
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Every medical school will see both grades but D.O. schools take the highest one and counts that. M.D. counts its both times.
I see. Thank you for that information. I planned on applying to both, but now I seem to have less of a chance with M.D. schools.
Well, you're a sophomore. Although the D+ is certainly lowering your average, with continuing good performance, you could very well end up with around a 3.6 or 3.7 by the time you apply.

Don't be so blue! Just don't repeat any mistakes.

Merry Christmas, and good luck!
I do plan on retaking it and hopefully doing better to boost my GPA. I will definitely step up my academic game this coming quarter! Thank you and Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you.
You should only be retaking it if you want to apply DO. Even then, your GPA is fine for DO right now.