I have to repeat a semester of medical school what are my chances of matching ?

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Purple Stone

New Member
Jul 23, 2024
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Hi everyone,

I just found out I will be repeating the second semester of OMS1. I failed one class by <1 point, remediated and failed again by 1 point. I passed every other class with As Bs and Cs.

Reason for failure, I got very sick during the semester and was later diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I'm currently getting the help I need to get better and on meds.

However, I am worried about the future, I have looked at multiple threads to see how students who had to repeat a year/semester did but they are very few. I am interested in radiology and anesthesiology, would it be impossible to match now? I am also open to other specialties but what are my chances for rads and anesthesiology, I don't want to give up on them if there's even the slightest chance that I could still match.

I know I can do better when I retake the semester, the material wasn't the issue just the health problems, it took a toll on me mentally and physically, I lost so much weight by the end of the semester that I was just happy to be away from my school's vicinity.

Has anyone else gone through this or know people who had similar experiences? How did it go for them? If there's a residency director reading this I'd really appreciate your input.

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PGY2 here. Rads/gas has become competitive af recently but are also notoriously cyclical, so it might be chill when it is your turn to apply. IM/FM/Peds (outside of major university programs if that is your goal) won't care much if you fail a semester. Focus on your boards, smash step 1-2 before figuring out if you need to panic or not
The last cycle saw some very strong students fail to match in both of your preferred specialties.
Charting Outcomes in the Match will be available shortly. It will give you some idea of where things stand in each specialty.
Hi everyone,

I just found out I will be repeating the second semester of OMS1. I failed one class by <1 point, remediated and failed again by 1 point. I passed every other class with As Bs and Cs.

Reason for failure, I got very sick during the semester and was later diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I'm currently getting the help I need to get better and on meds.

However, I am worried about the future, I have looked at multiple threads to see how students who had to repeat a year/semester did but they are very few. I am interested in radiology and anesthesiology, would it be impossible to match now? I am also open to other specialties but what are my chances for rads and anesthesiology, I don't want to give up on them if there's even the slightest chance that I could still match.

I know I can do better when I retake the semester, the material wasn't the issue just the health problems, it took a toll on me mentally and physically, I lost so much weight by the end of the semester that I was just happy to be away from my school's vicinity.

Has anyone else gone through this or know people who had similar experiences? How did it go for them? If there's a residency director reading this I'd really appreciate your input.
I've had students have to repeat a year and fail Boards and still become doctors.

Take care of your health before anything else.