I Need Application Advice & DAT Test Date - Please Help!

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10+ Year Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Hello, I would appreciate some advice from anyone out there who has any knowledge about this situation.

I am trying to figure out if I am making a mistake by taking my DAT at the end of July or first week of August. My concern is that I am going to be a late applicant and looked over.

- My application is complete and being mailed out on July 9, first time applicant
- GPA: 3.82
- sGPA: 3.83
- Dental shadowing hrs: 385
- Volunteer hrs: 510
- Pre-Dental Society President
- Undergraduate research- (possibly getting published- but will not know for a month or so)

I just took my first practice test and got AA 18 and PA 18, so I need a few weeks to study.

With my test date being somewhere between July 21- Aug 5, will I be putting myself at a major disadvantage?


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You are in good position. You will probably be in the middle of the batch of applicants.
I hope so. I have been worried because I was not sure if most schools were already finished with their first round of applications by August. I heard most slots get filled in the first round. Anyone know if there is any truth to this?

Or if/when most schools consider your application late?