I think I am going to quit my job ...

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Jun 3, 2003
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Hi all,

Paws has a problem and I've been thinking about it for a while. I took a job that I thought would be great experience, and so far the experience has been great. But, I am just miserable with my supervisor and a nightmare co-worker and I think I am going to quit. My problem is that I have listed this job on my applications and even written about it in some of my secondaries :rolleyes: .

My workload is a nightmare and then I am left to do the work of my coworker, who is often never around and comes in at like, 1:00 pm instead of 8:00 am. I am so incredibly burned out by the case loads (I work with patients), plus all the other work that I can hardly think straight, and friends who call me at work say: "what is wrong with you?" because I always sound like I have just been run over by a truck.

I can't seem to make any changes at work and it just seems to get worse. Plus my co-worker is nasty, nasty to me and it's exhausting to constantly have to fight those comments off.


I am already accepted at one school, and have more interviews. I think I can just transfer to another site, so all is not completely lost. But does anyone think that schools will look down on my leaving this 'wonderful' work that I describe so glowingly in my essays? So far on interviews, people just barely acknowledge what I am doing for work right now.

Anyone else have this problem? Paws is feeling worn down.

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I think I have the opposite problem. I don't really have to do anything at work, and all I do is literally sit around all day. I feel completely useless and disempowered and I feel like I'm wasting my life away doing something that is completely meaningless...I was thinking about quitting too. If it's really that bad, I'd find a new job and send updates to the schools...I don't think it'll make a huge difference unless it's your only clinical exposure or something like that.
Originally posted by finnpipette
I think I have the opposite problem. I don't really have to do anything at work, and all I do is literally sit around all day. I feel completely useless and disempowered and I feel like I'm wasting my life away doing something that is completely meaningless...

are you me?:wow: :wow: I don't remember posting this...:confused:
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I'm more like finnpipette and BushBaby - though much happier, I think. After acceptance to MS, I?ve lost enthusiasm for my job. My boss has left abruptly and the higher-ups have asked that I stay on to tie up loose ends. This kinda sucks because I?m not getting his salary, but at least I am getting paid ? which brings me to my point: In the 8 months until classes begin, I can either sit on my @$$ here and make money or sit on my @$$ at home and make no money. I?ll stretch it until the last day.

If there's a monetary incentive, I'd suggest sticking it out. Also, you may need to consider the lack of freedom that the near future holds.
These are great responses, and thanks for the ideas and support.

Well, yesterday I may have yelled at my coworker, calling her a "f*cking bitch" :rolleyes: , among other choice comments.

It feels likes such a hostile environement, that everyday is a real battle. Today I called in sick because I just can't take the enormous workload, plus I have no support when dealing with really difficult patients (which most of them are), and I am really overwhelmed with the constant criticism of my coworker and supervisor (he apparently loves this young girl, *ahem*). Yesterday he told me I had to pick up her workload when she wasn't there - which is a great deal of the time - and I had to be 'nice' to her. :confused:

I'm all for sucking it up and tolerating alot of weirdness at a job, but this seems like just too much. My coworker will even criticise and berate me in front of other staff and the patients - :eek:

And did I mention that she is 20 years old and a high school drop out ??? This is her first real job, aside from working in a retail shop at the mall. Dudes, it's a bad scene and Paws is bumming big time.
Originally posted by finnpipette
I think I have the opposite problem. I don't really have to do anything at work, and all I do is literally sit around all day. I feel completely useless and disempowered and I feel like I'm wasting my life away doing something that is completely meaningless...I was thinking about quitting too. If it's really that bad, I'd find a new job and send updates to the schools...I don't think it'll make a huge difference unless it's your only clinical exposure or something like that.

why dont you snort some more lab reagents :D
Yeah, I've lost enthusiasm for my job as well. I feel like quitting and somehow finding another way to pay for things would be foolish though.
i had sorta same problem last year, and i ended up quitting my job in the summer. but that was only b/c i needed some money. but if you're in at a med school already and you feel like you're not having a good experience there then by all means quit, but you should wait until you're done with your interviews. that way you're home free

Originally posted by Paws
Hi all,

Paws has a problem and I've been thinking about it for a while. I took a job that I thought would be great experience, and so far the experience has been great. But, I am just miserable with my supervisor and a nightmare co-worker and I think I am going to quit. My problem is that I have listed this job on my applications and even written about it in some of my secondaries :rolleyes: .

My workload is a nightmare and then I am left to do the work of my coworker, who is often never around and comes in at like, 1:00 pm instead of 8:00 am. I am so incredibly burned out by the case loads (I work with patients), plus all the other work that I can hardly think straight, and friends who call me at work say: "what is wrong with you?" because I always sound like I have just been run over by a truck.

I can't seem to make any changes at work and it just seems to get worse. Plus my co-worker is nasty, nasty to me and it's exhausting to constantly have to fight those comments off.


I am already accepted at one school, and have more interviews. I think I can just transfer to another site, so all is not completely lost. But does anyone think that schools will look down on my leaving this 'wonderful' work that I describe so glowingly in my essays? So far on interviews, people just barely acknowledge what I am doing for work right now.

Anyone else have this problem? Paws is feeling worn down.
Especially with one acceptance, I wouldn't worry about med schools looking down on you quitting. You said you can transfer? If so, I would do that - IMHO it's not worth being so unhappy at this point, especially since med school is still several months off - that time will seem like an eternity! If someone asks at an interview, you can always say you transferred to more of a team atmosphere!
Don't worry about quitting a job. Everyone moves on to other things in life. You don't even need to notify them; just prepare an answer if it comes up in an interview. If you're taking classes, you can tell them that you wanted to focus on doing well in your courses, rather than make the extra money.

You sound very unhappy. Don't continue working there merely because you're afraid of what adcoms will think.
Originally posted by emanresu
which brings me to my point: In the 8 months until classes begin, I can either sit on my @$$ here and make money or sit on my @$$ at home and make no money. I?ll stretch it until the last day.

If there's a monetary incentive, I'd suggest sticking it out. Also, you may need to consider the lack of freedom that the near future holds.

Thank you, this insight helps me a lot. My job can be very BORING. But I guess I should just take advantage of the $ and do things that I always say that I'll do--like reading more books. It's definately too late for me to find another job. Nobody is going to want to hire me for 6 months.
I can relate. I'm not terribly happy with my job, but it's a paycheck every week that I need.

Now that I have your attention, Let me tell you about some of my expierieces. I read your posts and let me tell you it really pissed me off how you are being pushed around. I once was in your shoes when I too worked at a hospital in the ICU in Chicago. It was miserable to go to work everday. No one really cared about you and they always talked behind my back. I would only talk to a few nurses and begn being a prick to the others.

I was just dicharged (Honorably) from the Army and recently got back from Iraq serving a combat tour since the end of February. Being in the military I definitly know what its like to work for people who aren't always the right people to be incharge. They can be rude and very unprofessional. Much like what you are dealing with.

I take it you are a very sicere and sensitive person. (I do not mean sensitive as a character flaw) These things people are doing probably really hurt because you are probably a nice person. You have to deal with this and nip it in the bud. Be nice to patients but be professional with co-workers. If someone treats you bad tell them in a Professional way. If it happens again bust them out in front of everyone. Tell your line of supervisors. If it continues tell the department chair. Then try to transfer. Tell them what your supervisor is doin.

What I am getting at is be nasty in a good way if they want to be nasty. Excluding patients you care for, You are not there to make friends you are there to volunteer (work) and get your buns into med school. Oh and wake up that High School dropout chick. See where that leaves things.
Wow, excellent responses guys! Thanks presadog! loved what you had to say.

I like being the way I am, and I feel I am professional and polite. I don't want to become a real b*tch like some of these other people. But, I have spoken to people in higher positions and have had their support consistently. Apparently, my supervisor was almost fired before I got here and for some reason they didn't, but they did cut his staff and let him know he was walking on thin ice.

I spoke to a friend and think there might be another place I can transfer to, and the good thing is that I already know everyone there and we get along pretty well. I definitely have the support of people in charge so I guess that's a good place to be. :)

I am going to take a class this semester, so I think that can help out as well. I was just sweating this misery out because a few of my secondaries were all about this fabulous work I was doing and I described it some extent. Well, I haven't even heard back from some of these schools so what the h$ll - I'll just wait and see if they even invite me for an interview.

Leave it to my SDN buds to save the day :love: you are an awesome bunch of fellow professionals!!!