I was wondering

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7+ Year Member
Sep 13, 2015
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From what I've read, it seems as though pretty much everyone on here are super prepared and have submitted their apps. Much respect! :)
However, there are a lot of schools who have deadlines towards the end of the year...
I was wondering why it is considered "late" to submit an application say after August? I am new to this so, to me, I think that submitting it even in October is somewhat average and that everyone prior are just very early...
When I called in to ask about application submissions, I was told that there is usually an influx closer to the deadline.
Does it mean that the large amount of people who submit closer to the deadline pretty much have no chance? o_O

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Interview invitations are usually one month prior to the actual interview date. However, there are many schools that sends out several interviews at the very beginning of the cycle e.g NOVA and Midwestern. So, it is best to apply early as possible.

If you do apply now, then your interviews will be on November or post-December.