ID Board Review Resources

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5+ Year Member
Mar 20, 2018
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Hi All,

I am sitting board exam this year. I have been watching GW ID board review videos. I am wondering if this is sufficient? Also, are there good ID question banks ?

Thank you all 😊

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For posterity, did the GW questions- passed comfortably. My fellowship prepared me well as we have multiple sites with different focus ( University for the Transplant & Cardiac stuff, VA for general stuff and a county hospital which sees tropical diseases and advanced HIV). I felt the ABIM syllabus was wayy off and probably close to 30-40% of the exam could have been classified as trop med questions.

Edit: I also took the board review course at ID week in my FL-2 year and went through my old First Aid for USMLE Step 1 to refresh all the stupid buzzwords (man I have never seen a staph saprophyticus UTI, they LIED to us lol )