Improvements from first diag

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RubRoss LSU

Trumpet Extraordinare
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Jun 22, 2005
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Hey everyone!

I just took my first daig today with TPR and it was glorious... haha ok not really. Anyway, they say the hyperlearning average on the first diag is 15, so I'm curious how everyone did the first practice mcat and how many points they improved from there. Also, list what extra studying and hw you did out of the class if you took a class.

I felt like a scored a 10 on it.... it was horrible, although we've only had 1 week of class so far. Anyway, thanks

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RubRoss LSU said:
Hey everyone!

I just took my first daig today with TPR and it was glorious... haha ok not really. Anyway, they say the hyperlearning average on the first diag is 15, so I'm curious how everyone did the first practice mcat and how many points they improved from there. Also, list what extra studying and hw you did out of the class if you took a class.

I felt like a scored a 10 on it.... it was horrible, although we've only had 1 week of class so far. Anyway, thanks

Don't be too worried about the number for the first diagnostic. I got a 17 on my first diag and a 37 on the real thing. Just figure out what it is you are missing and start studying the concepts. Keep doing practice problems.

I spent a long time going through through each topic and making notecards for myself. I wouldn't allow myself to write something down until I understood it. Then I spent the last month alternating between reviewing my notecards and doing problems/reviewing mistakes while timing myself on the problems. I did about 95% of the problems in the TPR science and Verbal workbook.

You don't have to do what I did because everybody studies differently. But don't get too bogged down with exact numbers right now. Focus on mistakes and practice, practice, practice.

You might want to check out the thread on 30+ study habits.

My .02 cents.
RubRoss LSU said:
Hey everyone!

I just took my first daig today with TPR and it was glorious... haha ok not really. Anyway, they say the hyperlearning average on the first diag is 15, so I'm curious how everyone did the first practice mcat and how many points they improved from there. Also, list what extra studying and hw you did out of the class if you took a class.

I felt like a scored a 10 on it.... it was horrible, although we've only had 1 week of class so far. Anyway, thanks

Hey, you can check your scores online. Log into TPR and go to 'Student Tools' and then MCAT Online tools and click around till you find something that says 'Score your Test' and you enter the answers (assuming you marked on your test booklet)

Anyways, I got a 24Q (10B 7V 7P) on the first one and today I took my second diag and got a 26 (10B 7V 9P). I really thought I was doing better in verbal but apparently I messed up somewhere along the way. Not really sure how I got a 10 in Biology both times. I felt like I guessed on alot of those problems.
I scored a 20 on the first TPR diag (7p 8b 5v) - there was a really annoying girl sitting next to me on the verbal section - thank goodness to get that kind of experience. so my score was not reflective of my apptitude.
Ended up with a 33 (11p 10v 12b) -slightly disappointed but I did do the aamc 3r a year prior and was scoring in the 30 range.

You'll improve by quite a bit, not sure if it is difficultly related, getting used to the exam, or studying more. It could be a little bit of all of them.

Good luck - don't be discouraged.
I took my first diagnostic on Saturday and scored a 16. Needless to say, though, I did run out of time on the physical sciences section. So, I feel like, had I paced myself better, I would have at least gotten a 20. We will see....wish me luck!