Interested in applying to dental school as a newly college graduate (2024). What are my chances?

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Jul 21, 2024
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Hi everyone,

I am an international student who graduated from an Ivy League school in May. I had been considering medical school and dental school throughout undergrad and after getting to know the two fields better in terms of the patient care involved, how hands-on dentistry is, my own interest in oral health (I come from a country where oral health is very much neglected and am very interested in educating patients about oral health and its importance to overall health) and also the length of the program, I am deciding on applying to dental school.

However, I'm wondering if my app will be ready by next year/whether I stand a good chance. And what should I do to have it ready for next year's app?

  • I studied Molecular Biology and have a 3.89 GPA (all As and A-, except for one B in genetics, Cum Laude, wrote a senior thesis and have a publication from the same lab (PNAS journal)
  • I haven't taken the DAT yet but planning on taking a practice test soon - I had done the MCAT in the past and had an 85th percentile score
  • I have done some shadowing with my dentist in the U.S at one of the dental schools in Boston but planning on gaining more hours by shadowing in clinics, more private practice settings
  • I have volunteered at a homeless shelter where I educate kids through designing activities, games, etc (250 hr)
  • Volunteered in a nursing home/hospice (300 hr)
  • I mentor students from my country who are applying to top US colleges for the past four years (+500 hr)
  • I'm involved in my ethnic/cultural communities where I coordinate and organize events (300 hr)
  • I'm a Red Cross Blood Donor Ambassador (+300 hr)
Work Experience:
  • tutored and TAed life sciences courses at my school (Ochem, genchem, molecular bio, etc)
  • currently working as a clinical research coordinator in infectious disease at a well-known hospital
  • I've been playing the piano for ~3-4 years
  • Belly dancing
  • I'm also part of a cultural dance group where we perform in different events
I would appreciate any help 🙂

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85th percentile on the MCAT would translate roughly to a 21-22AA if you can score similarly. However, the DAT and the MCAT aren't quite the same exam and students can have difficulty with the PAT section.

Once you have a DAT score, we can give you a better idea of your chances.