International / Global Health MPH

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Feb 1, 2009
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Hey Guys.

Admissions % and overall MPH rankings don't give me a good idea of which of these schools are the best for Global Health. I just wanted your advise on where you would rank the following schools for Global Health and WHY?



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I really need an answer to this question as well! I've been looking all over for a ranking for the international health/global health programs but havent been able to find one anywhere!🙁
Hey Guys.

Admissions % and overall MPH rankings don't give me a good idea of which of these schools are the best for Global Health. I just wanted your advise on where you would rank the following schools for Global Health and WHY?



Congratulations on selecting a public health career in global health! Definitely this is one of the most interesting MPH concentrations, I will try to take a whack at this as I faced a similar delima, for me I would rank these MPH programs as such:

1. Emory: Relatively new global health program, though excellent research opportunities for global health projects that can be put into practice. Dr. Koplan is terrific and has tons of global health experience as do a lot of the faculty, their global health program is truly integrated throughout the campus. Opportunity to collaborate with public health professionals and others at the CDC is definitely a plus.

2. George Washington: I think if your interested in global health policy this is a great place to be at, dedicated faculty. There are a lot of NGOs in D.C., so if you like making connections this is a good place to go to. One of the best three in global health in my opinion.

3. UPenn: Very solid global health program, excellent resources available for MPH students. (I know about this school more by reputation alone, but they are major leagues player in global health GREAT students!)

4. USF: The global health infectious disease research program is obviously a plus, there is a whole ton of infectious disease work going on here, if this is your area of interest then consider this school in addition to Emory. I have been to USF and was pleasanty surprised.

5. Tulane: Their global health program will be a force to be recognized in academics, right now it is pretty new i.e. their global health department started in 2009, certainly a very good public health school in its own right.

6. Boston: I talked with some public health students when I was in bean town on vacation, not very impressed. Their global health program is not viewed as highly by some applicants as it is less focused as that at other public health schools. Not as good resources for faculty mentors and research at this school when compared to others I have looked at. Great city in summer, but remember, BU is ranked around 18th or so for public health schools based in no small part due to their good dental public health program.

OK, that's it, obviously there are other great global health programs at places other than those you have listed, such as John Hopkins which is number 1 in my mind for global health, but I just ranked/differentiated those that you listed. Best of luck applying!

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epi, great post!

Any thoughts on the Global Health concentration at Yale SPH?

Happy new year!:whistle:
Thanks Epi2012! Very useful for me to know.... would you happen to know any good ones in Canada too??
epi, great post!

Any thoughts on the Global Health concentration at Yale SPH?

Happy new year!:whistle:

Depending upon what you are interested in regarding global health, consider UAB. Great international research opportunities if you are interested in ID. I graduated from here and was able to develop and write my own grant proposal for the Sparkman Center for Global Health Graduate Student and the NIH MHIRT training program awards to conduct HIV treatment adherence among HIV patients living in Jamaica. My interest was ID Epidemiology. Plenty of researchers to work with in ID: Dr. Kempf, Dr. Jolly, Dr. Mugavero, Dr. Saag and others.
I am interested in International MCH and just got into UNC-Chapel Hill. I was wondering if you have heard anything about this program? UNC bills itself as a "global school of public health" so I am thinking that there is, in general, a global focus? I have looked through literature online but am still coming up a bit confused. I am currently a Peace Corps Volunteer so I can't visit anywhere. My choice is either between UNC and BU--I have spoken to a number of IH students at BU who loved it...and I love Boston so it seems like a good fit. Thanks for your help!
I am interested in International MCH and just got into UNC-Chapel Hill. I was wondering if you have heard anything about this program? UNC bills itself as a "global school of public health" so I am thinking that there is, in general, a global focus? I have looked through literature online but am still coming up a bit confused. I am currently a Peace Corps Volunteer so I can't visit anywhere. My choice is either between UNC and BU--I have spoken to a number of IH students at BU who loved it...and I love Boston so it seems like a good fit. Thanks for your help!
If you're interested in global health, UNC-MCH is the way to go. There are a lot of dedicated global health faculty (particularly in family planning) and experienced students in the department and you'll get great training. You're required to complete a practicum over the summer and most students get pretty cool opportunities overseas.
So I've been accepted to both Emory and Harvard's global health programs and don't know which to choose. Any suggestions?
i'm also interested in global health, and so far have gotten into:

emory (global health)
tulane (global MCH)
ucla (community health sciences - i was thinking i could do either their global health or pop/RH certificate program as well)
(still waiting to hear from BU and GW, waitlisted at Columbia)

i'm particularly interested in monitoring and evaluation of international reproductive health programs - does anyone have any personal knowledge of these schools' strengths/weaknesses in that area? i have a sense from their websites, but it's so hard to get a realistic idea...
Hey all,

I currently work as a program coordinator for a Refugee Trauma program in Boston and am thinking about pursuing an MPH, possibly beginning in Fall 2011. I'm really just beginning my search, so my questions might seem novice, but I figured this forum would be a great place to pose my questions.

I am specifically interested in the design and implementation of public health programs internationally, and wondering if there is 1) any MPH concentration relating directly to this objective, or would I have to be an International Health Concentrator, 2) which schools would be the best for preparing to design and implement public health programs, 3) what job opportunities are available in this area of Public health post MPH.

Again, I apologize for my simple questions. I hope to hear from some of you guys!! Thanks so much.
i'm also interested in global health, and so far have gotten into:

emory (global health)
tulane (global MCH)
ucla (community health sciences - i was thinking i could do either their global health or pop/RH certificate program as well)
(still waiting to hear from BU and GW, waitlisted at Columbia)

i'm particularly interested in monitoring and evaluation of international reproductive health programs - does anyone have any personal knowledge of these schools' strengths/weaknesses in that area? i have a sense from their websites, but it's so hard to get a realistic idea...

I'd also add UMich to your list - I'm the International Health epidemiology track (it's configured as a branch of epidemiology, not a separate specialty here) and love it so far (assuming I survive next winter). There's a lot of great resources and fantastic support from faculty and staff in finding an international internship (and funding opportunities abound!). Sorry to get a tad overexcited, just throwing in my $0.02.
Hey all,

I currently work as a program coordinator for a Refugee Trauma program in Boston and am thinking about pursuing an MPH, possibly beginning in Fall 2011. I'm really just beginning my search, so my questions might seem novice, but I figured this forum would be a great place to pose my questions.

I am specifically interested in the design and implementation of public health programs internationally, and wondering if there is 1) any MPH concentration relating directly to this objective, or would I have to be an International Health Concentrator, 2) which schools would be the best for preparing to design and implement public health programs, 3) what job opportunities are available in this area of Public health post MPH.

Again, I apologize for my simple questions. I hope to hear from some of you guys!! Thanks so much.


i have the exact same views, I am interested in designing and implementing programs abroad too! What schools would allow the best opportunities for this!?

Thank You
I am interested in International MCH and just got into UNC-Chapel Hill. I was wondering if you have heard anything about this program? UNC bills itself as a "global school of public health" so I am thinking that there is, in general, a global focus? I have looked through literature online but am still coming up a bit confused. I am currently a Peace Corps Volunteer so I can't visit anywhere. My choice is either between UNC and BU--I have spoken to a number of IH students at BU who loved it...and I love Boston so it seems like a good fit. Thanks for your help!

UNC is a phenomenal school, their global health offerings are impressive. My impression of BU is that it is more of a middle tier safety school, not an global health magnet for highly motivated students.