International SMPs or programs abroad

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5+ Year Member
Mar 28, 2018
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I'm wondering if here are any users here who have attended an international master's program that was recognized by the med schools in the states. Does anyone recommend any resources in findings international "pre-medical" post grad programs?

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I'm wondering if here are any users here who have attended an international master's program that was recognized by the med schools in the states. Does anyone recommend any resources in findings international "pre-medical" post grad programs?
Are you aware that the med school application services, AMCAS and AACOMAS, don't accept foreign transcripts? Completing an international SMP and earning excellent grades won't do you much good if you want to apply to US med schools.
Are you aware that the med school application services, AMCAS and AACOMAS, don't accept foreign transcripts? Completing an international SMP and earning excellent grades won't do you much good if you want to apply to US med schools.
Ah understood. SMP in the states it is.