Internship LORs- Boarded vs Not

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c/o 2025!!
5+ Year Member
Dec 19, 2018
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Hey y'all, I'm currently a third year on clinics and looking to apply to rotating internships next year. I know an ECC letter is highly recommended to have for the match, but during my ER rotations, I've mostly worked with interns/residents and non-boarded vets who are titled as clinical lecturers. Would a non-DACVECC vet working in academia be an appropriate letter writer or do they really have to be boarded?

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Definitely don't ask an intern/resident. It doesn't have to be a boarded specialist (I had a primary care DVM write one of mine).
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Boarded or not isn't a big deal. The main thing is you want:

1. Someone who has worked with you in a clinical setting and can address your clinical skills.

2. Someone who has experience evaluating students for internship positions.

3. Someone who has experience with evaluating LORs and knows what program directors/internship selection committees are looking for.

4. Someone who will write you an outstanding recommendation.