Interview for AUAmed tomorrow on Zoom, any tips?

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Dec 8, 2020
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Hello, I am grateful that AUA gave me the oppurtunity for an interview and it is coming up tomorrow. I do not know how strict there criteria is however I had a few questions.

1. Do they give an interview to anyone even if they have no chance of getting in/have to kill the interview to get in? or as long as you don't say something completely wrong you are fine. In different words, as long as my interview is average, can I still get in? or does it depend on the rest of my application documents etc

2. I have researched the questions they ask but can only find stuff that is old like 2009-2016 etc, anyone have an updated list?

3. I am applying for the feb term, any idea on how long after the interview is a potential acceptance?


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The interview is to get to know you at a personal level and judge if you’d be a good fit for medical school, to be a physician and to be in the medical field. If you can convince them that you’d be a good fit and a hard worker you should be good.

Idk how much the Caribbean schools rely on the interview but I wouldn’t stress too much.
The interview is to get to know you at a personal level and judge if you’d be a good fit for medical school, to be a physician and to be in the medical field. If you can convince them that you’d be a good fit and a hard worker you should be good.

Idk how much the Caribbean schools rely on the interview but I wouldn’t stress too much.

Thank you so much for the reply! I just hope that the interview is to consider me for acceptance in the MD program rather then for some type of consideration for acception in the Charter/PreMed program to see if I can handle those rigors and then transfer into med school
I know that is the case for Ross and SGU but not sure about AUA. I do not want to do some type of charter program, I want to start med school in Feb

Anyone able to provide insight on this?
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Thank you so much for the reply! I just hope that the interview is to consider me for acceptance in the MD program rather then for some type of consideration for acception in the Charter/PreMed program to see if I can handle those rigors and then transfer into med school
I know that is the case for Ross and SGU but not sure about AUA. I do not want to do some type of charter program, I want to start med school in Feb

Anyone able to provide insight on this?

I don't believe AUA has a program like that. I'm not sure tho. Did you find a program like that in your research?

SGU/Ross might put you in the charter program, but that's moreso on your gpa/mcat score/grades than interview.
I don't believe AUA has a program like that. I'm not sure tho. Did you find a program like that in your research?

SGU/Ross might put you in the charter program, but that's moreso on your gpa/mcat score/grades than interview.

exactly i agree, as far as i read and as long as i am not mistaken, aua just has two programs and i dont think they try to put md applicants in the other program, hope i am right
Thank you so much for the reply! I just hope that the interview is to consider me for acceptance in the MD program rather then for some type of consideration for acception in the Charter/PreMed program to see if I can handle those rigors and then transfer into med school
I know that is the case for Ross and SGU but not sure about AUA. I do not want to do some type of charter program, I want to start med school in Feb

Anyone able to provide insight on this?
AUA doesn't have a charter program.