Interview Impression

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Mar 5, 2015
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Do you ever get the impression after the other schools question that the interviewer believes you may gain an acceptance to a more competitive school? Has anyone else had similar experiences? How did you attempt to diffuse the situation?

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Do you ever get the impression after the other schools question that the interviewer believes you may gain an acceptance to a more competitive school? Has anyone else had similar experiences? How did you attempt to diffuse the situation?
Just be flattered; no need to do anything.
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does this decrease the likelihood of an acceptance?
If this were an issue it would have affected the decision to interview, not a post interview decision.
They've already invested in an interview. It would be a waste of their time and money not to accept based on a perception that you are too good for them.
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not a situation that requires diffusing

just be humble and gracious
I found myself in a similar situation a few times at interviews, where interviewers said "oh you're a great applicant, and we'd love to have you, but I'm sure you'll end up at X school of medicine." It was definitely awkward the first time it happened, so I tried to diffuse the situation by acting flattered and gracious at their kind words, but I always tried to use those moments as an opportunity to praise their school. I would say something like "while I'm flattered you think I would be accepted to a school like that, I'd honestly prefer Y school of medicine because of A, B, and C" where A, B, and C were things I had previously researched and things I found exciting and unique about the school. It worked out and I was ultimately accepted to all of the schools this happened to, even though one school's interviewer told me I'd "probably be waitlisted because the committee will assume I'll go elsewhere."

Basically, always be gracious and polite and always do your research about a particular school before you go on an interview! Good luck with your cycle :)
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I found myself in a similar situation a few times at interviews, where interviewers said "oh you're a great applicant, and we'd love to have you, but I'm sure you'll end up at X school of medicine." It was definitely awkward the first time it happened, so I tried to diffuse the situation by acting flattered and gracious at their kind words, but I always tried to use those moments as an opportunity to praise their school. I would say something like "while I'm flattered you think I would be accepted to a school like that, I'd honestly prefer Y school of medicine because of A, B, and C" where A, B, and C were things I had previously researched and things I found exciting and unique about the school. It worked out and I was ultimately accepted to all of the schools this happened to, even though one school's interviewer told me I'd "probably be waitlisted because the committee will assume I'll go elsewhere."

Basically, always be gracious and polite and always do your research about a particular school before you go on an interview! Good luck with your cycle :)
thank you! I did exactly what you said, it felt like I was selling their school to them at the end of the interview!