Interviews for August MCATers

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Hey guys
I took MCAT in August and so far only DMU has offered me an interview which is on 5th nov.
Was wondering if anyone else has heard from other schools.

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I got an interview the 4th, and I also took the august MCAT
trypto82 said:
I got an interview the 4th, and I also took the august MCAT

Yeah looks like DMU is very fast.
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My interview isn't with DMU, it is with LECOM! I still haven't heard anything form DMU, so still hoping for that interview. :scared:
trypto82 said:
I got an interview the 4th, and I also took the august MCAT

When did you came to know about the interview and did you got interview invite letter by snail mail?
vimal98 said:
Hey guys
I took MCAT in August and so far only DMU has offered me an interview which is on 5th nov.
Was wondering if anyone else has heard from other schools.

Vimal, when did you submit your primary? I'm just curious, because one of my girlfriends just submitted hers for DMU.
The interview notice came about two weeks ago via snail mail! My LECOM app was complete around the middle of september. So I actually heard from them sooner than I was expecting. Hope this helps!
jkdmed, how long was it before you heard from VCOM? I hadn't heard anything from them in awhile so I gave them a call and was told that my app was going to be reviewed the next time the adcom met. Wish I knew how often they meet!! :smuggrin:
Hey yposhelley,

yposhelley said:
Vimal, when did you submit your primary? I'm just curious, because one of my girlfriends just submitted hers for DMU.

In case it helps, DMU was by far the first to invite me to send a secondary, which I submitted on October 17 (sorry not sure about when they received the primary, as per your question). I received an interview invite from them by email on October 29 for an interview date of December 3.

Hope that helps,
trypto82 said:
jkdmed, how long was it before you heard from VCOM? I hadn't heard anything from them in awhile so I gave them a call and was told that my app was going to be reviewed the next time the adcom met. Wish I knew how often they meet!! :smuggrin:

It was late October when I got the interview invite, not long after the scores were released. However, I already had my secondary and LOR's in by that time.
yposhelley said:
Vimal, when did you submit your primary? I'm just curious, because one of my girlfriends just submitted hers for DMU.

Well primary was submitted the week I took MCAT. So it was processed and mailed way before my MCAT scores came out. DMU was just waiting for my MCAT scores. They just told me to fax my MCAT scores and three days later they offered me interview.
thatuvicguy said:
Hey yposhelley,

In case it helps, DMU was by far the first to invite me to send a secondary, which I submitted on October 17 (sorry not sure about when they received the primary, as per your question). I received an interview invite from them by email on October 29 for an interview date of December 3.

Hope that helps,

That's weired. Actually I faxed my MCAT scores on 15th I think and I got email on Monday saying that they want to interview me on Oct 27 !! I then changed it to Nov 5. How come they are interviewing you so late, or you asked for Dec 3 ?
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thatuvicguy said:
Hey yposhelley,

In case it helps, DMU was by far the first to invite me to send a secondary, which I submitted on October 17 (sorry not sure about when they received the primary, as per your question). I received an interview invite from them by email on October 29 for an interview date of December 3.

Hope that helps,

Thanks :) :thumbup:
vimal98 said:
Hey guys
I took MCAT in August and so far only DMU has offered me an interview which is on 5th nov.
Was wondering if anyone else has heard from other schools.

I have only received my secondaries from DMU and CCOM. I'm sending them in this week.
vimal98 said:
That's weired. Actually I faxed my MCAT scores on 15th I think and I got email on Monday saying that they want to interview me on Oct 27 !! I then changed it to Nov 5. How come they are interviewing you so late, or you asked for Dec 3 ?

They must like you better ;) Actually I'm not sure why so late but it works just fine for me since I've got a lot of arrangements to make to be able to attend even that soon. Hopefully the class won't be full by then...

Good luck!

I got asked to interview at MSUCOM after taking the August MCAT.
thesterlinggirl said:
I got asked to interview at MSUCOM after taking the August MCAT.

That's great, congrates.

I don't know what PCOM, NYCOM, CCOM and KCUMB doing !
yeah, me neither...PCOM and NYCOM need to get on the ball!!!
vimal98 said:
Hey guys
I took MCAT in August and so far only DMU has offered me an interview which is on 5th nov.
Was wondering if anyone else has heard from other schools.

I took the August MCAT and my application(s) have been complete for a couple weeks now. I have only heard from VCOM, and I have an interview on Dec. 7th. I'm anxious to hear from other schools to which I have applied, and nervous about being a little late in the process. Best of luck. Cheers!
Does anyone know when DMU's class usually fills up by?
yposhelley said:
Does anyone know when DMU's class usually fills up by?

got an invite for COMP a few weeks ago...what do you guys think of COMP?
I agree! I have had my PCOM stuff in for so long now and haven't heard anything. I applied to both campuses too
i'm an august mcater, just got interviews for Lake Erie Bradenton and NYCOM today, and i already got one from WVSOM
Yeah I took the august MCAT as well and have my secondaries complete for about 2 months. So far I have only heard from DMU, but I had to push the interview back to the 16th of december because I had finals the day they wanted to interview me. I'm hoping PCOM and UMDNJ will hurry up and let me know soon, I am tired of all this anticipation!
August MKitty my self, just sitting here on my hands. This sucks!!!! I am complete at every school i have applied to but no love with the interviews yet.
I've been complete awhile too and have only had 1 interview invite since August MCAT -- KCOM. Still Waiting on PCOM, CCOM, OSUCOM and MSU-COM!

From what the admissions offices were telling me this week, almost everyone took a week off for the AOA in CA....bad timing for us!

sdnUser500 said:
got an invite for COMP a few weeks ago...what do you guys think of COMP?

Well there was one guy from California who interviewed with me at DMU. He told that probably you have to take a bullet to go to classes !!

Not sure if its really that scary campus.