Is 1 year of clinical activities "longitudinal enough"?

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5+ Year Member
Jul 30, 2019
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I'm currently in the middle of a reinvention postbacc, and I was planning on starting my volunteering with a hospice and children's hospital the June of this year. The plan was to have ~2 years of volunteering with these organizations. But, with the pandemic, the programs have been put on pause, and I think it will most likely resume around May-June of 2021, if there is a suitable vaccine available by then. Since there are no other realistic clinical volunteering options, I'm just assuming I will not be able to start until mid 2021.

The current plan was to apply for the 2022-2023 cycle. Would ~1 year or less, maybe even like 8-9 months depending on when it's safe again for patients (2021-2022), of clinical experience before apps go in be considered "longitudinal enough"?

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I'm currently in the middle of a reinvention postbacc, and I was planning on starting my volunteering with a hospice and children's hospital the June of this year. The plan was to have ~2 years of volunteering with these organizations. But, with the pandemic, the programs have been put on pause, and I think it will most likely resume around May-June of 2021, if there is a suitable vaccine available by then. Since there are no other realistic clinical volunteering options, I'm just assuming I will not be able to start until mid 2021.

The current plan was to apply for the 2022-2023 cycle. Would ~1 year or less, maybe even like 8-9 months depending on when it's safe again for patients (2021-2022), of clinical experience before apps go in be considered "longitudinal enough"?
Not sure, but I hope so. I'm in a similar boat and expect around 6-8 months with 5-600 hours.

I know the hours are fine but I'm worried about the length as well.