Is a "O" symbol on academic record a red flag?

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Feb 23, 2022
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My primary was just verified yesterday but I had a quick question. I had a class that was listed as Incomplete on my transcript but the professor later gave me an A+. (PI forgot to submit grades). I put it in my AMCAS shown below but AAMC put a “O” mark on it. Should I just leave it like this since it doesn’t affect my GPA or should I ask for a correction? Below is what it looks like on my AMCAS and on my transcript.

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My primary was just verified yesterday but I had a quick question. I had a class that was listed as Incomplete on my transcript but the professor later gave me an A+. (PI forgot to submit grades). I put it in my AMCAS shown below but AAMC put a “O” mark on it. Should I just leave it like this since it doesn’t affect my GPA or should I ask for a correction? Below is what it looks like on my AMCAS and on my transcript.

View attachment 373645View attachment 373646
Page 69 of AMCAS guide
Maybe get a new transcript sent to yourself and see if it has been updated to a grade, then message AMCAS to see if they want a new transcript
Page 69 of AMCAS guide
Maybe get a new transcript sent to yourself and see if it has been updated to a grade, then message AMCAS to see if they want a new transcript
The picture of the transcript I included above is my final transcript where it says "removal of 22S I grade" and given the A+
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You may be able to do an Academic Change Request if you're concerned that it still looks like an Incomplete class on your AMCAS application.
The instructions for that are quite specific and are found on the AMCAS page called Postsubmission Actions. Scroll down to Academic Change
Requests and also see "things they will not change" AMCAS® Postsubmission Actions
You may be able to do an Academic Change Request if you're concerned that it still looks like an Incomplete class on your AMCAS application.
The instructions for that are quite specific and are found on the AMCAS page called Postsubmission Actions. Scroll down to Academic Change
Requests and also see "things they will not change" AMCAS® Postsubmission Actions
ok sounds good. Thank you so much for the help! One last question. If I just chose to leave it as is, would the "O" mark be negatively looked at by adcoms?
ok sounds good. Thank you so much for the help! One last question. If I just chose to leave it as is, would the "O" mark be negatively looked at by adcoms?
Here is the Key to marks on your verified application, explaining the symbols. No, it is not a red flag.
I don't think you need to fret over this. A school that offers you admission will ask for your final official transcript which should have everything in place.
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