Is an iPad a good investment?

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2+ Year Member
Dec 17, 2019
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To those who were given a laptop or have a laptop to use for class, do you have/would you recommend buying an iPad in addition? I've always preferred to write my notes out, and even though the laptop we'll be given has a tablet mode, I'm concerned about portability/ease of use compared to an iPad.

Does anyone have any pros or cons for purchasing one?

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There's a thread on this recently somewhere here. What's your concern about portability? If it's an ease issue, I'm a proponent of comfort, especially during medical school. If you don't plan on a second monitor, having an ipad/tablet is very nice to have.
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To those who were given a laptop or have a laptop to use for class, do you have/would you recommend buying an iPad in addition? I've always preferred to write my notes out, and even though the laptop we'll be given has a tablet mode, I'm concerned about portability/ease of use compared to an iPad.

Does anyone have any pros or cons for purchasing one?

If that's your thing
Two screens

You haven't waited to see if your computer that you are already paying for will do the job
90% of your class will stop going to class by 4wks in, so statistically you might too

Kidding aside, there really is no rush here. I would advise waiting until you've tried out your school computer. If you just want the iPad and it will make things (including new school jitter) easier then do it. But whether you actually need it is entirely up to you.
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Our school gave us all iPads. I use it for Netflix/Hulu now pretty much exclusively.
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I definitely found it convenient once I discovered my ideal style of learning. But it’s not essential when starting out. My underclassmen got one of those laptops that folds into a tablet and comes with a pencil, so there’s always that chance for you. See if you can find an upperclassmen in your Facebook group and ask.
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