Is Caribbean school the best option?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 17, 2016
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I applied to both M.D. and D.O. schools last year, but I think the main reason why I didn't get in was due to my uncompetitive science GPA (around 3.3). My regular undergrad GPA was 3.5, MCAT score 501, and I recently went on a medical mission trip abroad. In terms of medical volunteering, I volunteered at a hospice over the summer, and I'm planning on volunteering at a hospital in the Spring. I've shadowed a few doctors so far, but I'm planning on shadowing more in the future. Along with that, I'm a group leader in a psychology research lab, I work part-time at an accessibility center for students, and I'm currently doing an online graduate certificate program in medical neuroscience.

Is Caribbean school the best option for me? I feel like more stats are definitely not as competitive as those applying to medical schools in the U.S. So far, I'm working on applying to SGU and AUC, and I'm going to look into Ross soon. Or if I can't become a doctor, I might also consider becoming a PA. I'm not too sure yet, though.
Update: Just got accepted into a U.S. medical school! 🙂 I think I just wasn't confident I'd make it in, but shadowing really helped solidify my decision. After doing some more medically-related work, I thought to myself how the health profession was the right choice for me. Thanks for the help!

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I think you can consider an SMP but generally both your scores a bit low. In fact, I think your MCAT is holding you down more than your GPA. Caribbean would be a good option because your credentials seem relative to 75% of students that don't fall to attrition. I'd suggest you only apply to SGU and AUC.

BUT and here's the big one... There's a flaw in your design. You aren't showing an immense passion for medicine as a physician. You're openly considering PA which indicates to me that you aren't completely sold on what you wanna do. This is huge. The kids in the Carib who make it TRULY understand their predicament and work incredibly hard to prove themselves. If you don't plan on having this mindset and you just want to have an impact in a hospital (which is awesome btw) then do PA.
I think you can consider an SMP but generally both your scores a bit low. In fact, I think your MCAT is holding you down more than your GPA. Caribbean would be a good option because your credentials seem relative to 75% of students that don't fall to attrition. I'd suggest you only apply to SGU and AUC.

BUT and here's the big one... There's a flaw in your design. You aren't showing an immense passion for medicine as a physician. You're openly considering PA which indicates to me that you aren't completely sold on what you wanna do. This is huge. The kids in the Carib who make it TRULY understand their predicament and work incredibly hard to prove themselves. If you don't plan on having this mindset and you just want to have an impact in a hospital (which is awesome btw) then do PA.

Thanks for your reply. I've always been iffy on the "passion" side about being a doctor, so I should probably re-think about what I want to really do in the future. As everyone says here, if being a doctor isn't the thing you want to do the most, you might as well try to find another occupation. I appreciate it.
With your grades theres no reason to choose caribbean. You arent really that competitive for MD because of the MCAT score. For DO that MCAT is still pretty low but not lethal. I think if you had above a 505 you would get more love from DOs.
If caribbean is your only option, and your grades suggest youll do fine, I agree only apply to SGU and maybe Ross/AUC.

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