Is CourseSaver for Chads videos a rip off?

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Dec 20, 2016
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Currently I am subscribed to coursesavers for $50 a month to have access to chad's videos. I have been reading that these videos are available for free on his own website. Is there any benefit to watching Chad's videos on coursesavers or am I just wasting money for it?

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I personally like the videos on the coursesaver website a little more because they are broken down into topic and are a little more designed for students that are taking the pre-professional exams. Does this mean that you cannot get most of the same information from his free videos, no.
I'm personally more in favor of the Khan Academy videos which are free and some videos on youtube.
Currently I am subscribed to coursesavers for $50 a month to have access to chad's videos. I have been reading that these videos are available for free on his own website. Is there any benefit to watching Chad's videos on coursesavers or am I just wasting money for it?

Pay the $50. It will be the best investment you make (along with Bootcamp). Also, if you need to add another month, but know it won't take the whole time, don't worry. They offer partial refunds up until a certain date.
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I had similar concerns when I paid for Chad's Videos. I wasn't sure if it would be worth the $50 if I could get the same content for free, but I realized that few people have actually watched both to give an accurate comparison. I ended up paying the $50 and being okay with that because I knew that so many others who did well used the same videos. Since the free content is relatively new (and reportedly not as DAT-focused), I figured the videos with the paid subscription were more reputable. I second what others have said about $50 being a good investment.

Edit: Since you already paid for the subscription, I say stick with it. If the money is really a concern, you can switch to the free videos once the subscription ends and you need more review.
I would recommend it, it basically covers every possible thing that you will see on the DAT. The quizzes and outlines help a ton too. I would recommend just doing a one month prescription and finishing all the videos during the time.
I would recommend it, it basically covers every possible thing that you will see on the DAT. The quizzes and outlines help a ton too. I would recommend just doing a one month prescription and finishing all the videos during the time.
Chad's videos saved my a$$! Where are the free ones? That wasn't an option when I was doing them but I think he had a falling out with his business partner bc he announced he was no longer with Coursesaver while I was a subscriber, then the other guy jacked up the prices.