Is it okay to take 1-2 prereqs over the summer?

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Apr 9, 2021
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Okay or not? Thinking of taking Physics 2 next summer (gonna be a sophomore Fall 21). It would (almost certainly) be the only one I do over the summer. Shouldn't be a big deal right? Just not sure how med schools perceive this and I haven't really found much about it through searching SDN and other areas of the internet.

EDIT: it would be done at my 4 year undergrad NOT a CC/Junior College

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Okay or not? Thinking of taking Physics 2 next summer (gonna be a sophomore Fall 21). It would (almost certainly) be the only one I do over the summer. Shouldn't be a big deal right? Just not sure how med schools perceive this and I haven't really found much about it through searching SDN and other areas of the internet.
It won't kill you, but it's less than ideal. Everything is compressed, so it's more difficult on you, PLUS, some classes at some schools cut out some content due to the compression, so schools don't love it.

That said, I don't think anyone outright says they won't accept them, so, do what you have to do. I'd avoid it if possible, but, if you can't, it's not going to keep you from being accepted.
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Where are you planning to take the class? Your 4 year school or a CC? I’m pretty sure it’s not wise to take prerequisites during the summer term and don’t take it at a CC if you follow through on taking it during the summer. Just take a Gen Ed class or two in the summer and then take Physics during the regular school year.
Where are you planning to take the class? Your 4 year school or a CC? I’m pretty sure it’s not wise to take prerequisites during the summer term and don’t take it at a CC if you follow through on taking it during the summer. Just take a Gen Ed class or two in the summer and then take Physics during the regular school year.
If I do it would be at my 4 year undergrad
It shouldn't be a problem. I've always found Summer classes easier to keep up. I took general chemistry I and II in mini-semesters(4 weeks each) over the same Summer and didn't receive a single question about it during interviews.

Do what works best for you.
In general youre warned against doing so. I took, maybe 5 pre-reqs over the summer and it didnt hold me back at all.
Pre-reqs during the summer are fine, as long as you do well and it's at a 4-year institution. I took a few of them during the summer, and they never came up with any ADCOMS. I'm not sure where the idea of summer pre-reqs being a problem came from; I had never heard of it.
n= 1 but I actually took my biology courses at a community college over the summer and I just got my first acceptance 🙂
I took a few biology prereqs over summer and I did fine admissions wise. I think it's generally advised against so maybe stick to a few
Do it at your college and not a CC and it is totally fine. Just be careful, but that goes for any science or math class.
Pre-reqs during the summer are fine, as long as you do well and it's at a 4-year institution. I took a few of them during the summer, and they never came up with any ADCOMS. I'm not sure where the idea of summer pre-reqs being a problem came from; I had never heard of it.
Are they bad if I'm at a CC and plan to take 2 prereqs over summer at my CC? I'm not going to CC then back to 4 year, I am at a CC, doing summer semester, then I start my first semester at 4 year during fall.