Is it too late to apply for PB program for fall of 2008?

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15+ Year Member
Feb 20, 2008
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I see that alot of you guys have applied early do you think i should wait for 2009 or is it not too late???
Also how did you guys finance your PB program since FASFA doesn't really apply

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I see that alot of you guys have applied early do you think i should wait for 2009 or is it not too late???
Also how did you guys finance your PB program since FASFA doesn't really apply

Currently a BM postbac, i know we're not taking apps for 2008 anymore. as for financing, mostly done through private banks though there is a small amount the federal government will give for 5th years.
I e-mailed Bryn Mawr last week and Marian said, "Although the deadline has passed, we are still accepting applications until the program is full."

Are you sure, sfnix?
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Goucher usually holds some spots in its class open until April. Apply away...
BM will still accept applications, but they'll only be considered if there are still spaces left over after all the people who got their applications in by Jan 15 are admitted or rejected. Go ahead and apply, if it's worth $75 to you -- if you're an outstanding applicant, you might get in.

And FAFSA does apply, so long as you haven't already taken a 5th year of undergraduate work.