is it too late?

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Nov 6, 2005
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Hey everyone,

I was wondering if it was too late to apply to any SMP/post-bacc programs that start this fall? I realize how late it is but I was waitlisted at a few schools that now I realize I probably won't be getting into...depressing for sure, so I could really use some good advice. thanks in advance!

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Definitely not too late. I applied to Drexel and NYMC in late July and ended up going to NYMC.

Hold on to those waitlists and start preparing for the next application cycle.
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As of January when I looked last, app deadlines that haven't passed yet include:
- Tufts (July 15)
- Drexel IMS (July 10)
- RFU (June 15)
- VCU ("June")
- NYMC (July 1)
- Loyola (July 1)

I'd expect at this point that you'd be applying for the waitlist at pretty much all of these programs.

Until recently I'd been of the opinion that the SMPs at DO schools aren't successful in getting their students into MD schools, but that's anecdotally incorrect. So you might want to look at the PCOM/LECOM/etc type programs, and/or the Barry type programs that aren't attached to a med school.

Best of luck to you.
As of January when I looked last, app deadlines that haven't passed yet include:
- Tufts (July 15)
- Drexel IMS (July 10)
- RFU (June 15)
- VCU ("June")
- NYMC (July 1)
- Loyola (July 1)

I'd expect at this point that you'd be applying for the waitlist at pretty much all of these programs.

Until recently I'd been of the opinion that the SMPs at DO schools aren't successful in getting their students into MD schools, but that's anecdotally incorrect. So you might want to look at the PCOM/LECOM/etc type programs, and/or the Barry type programs that aren't attached to a med school.

Best of luck to you.

I would give those programs your best shot and I do expect you have a shot at them, especially if you have been waitlisted at a few schools for this cycle.
BU MAMS also has no deadline and continues until all spots are filled. You can try there too.
BU MAMS also has no deadline and continues until all spots are filled. You can try there too.

I believe you, even though the (never, ever updated) website says:
"If a student is applying for institutional financial aid, the complete packet must be received by the School no later than January 1 for fall admission and October 15 for spring admission. Otherwise, the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences doctoral and master’s program applications are normally submitted by March 31."
Their website is crap. Apparently, on top of this, BU admins discourage people from posting inside information on SDN. I'm not sure why - talking to people who attend the school is the best way to see how good that program really is. I think this is the real deadline:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Application Deadline.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]If a student is applying for institutional financial aid, the complete packet must be received by the School no later than January 1 for fall admission and October 15 for spring admission. Otherwise, the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences doctoral and master’s program applications are normally submitted by March 31. Late applications will be considered with prior approval of the department chairman. The MA in Medical Science Program has no application deadline. Applications submitted with all supporting credentials will be given priority..​
Pre-coffee ******ation on my part there, apparently copy/paste is hard. (Apologies to those who advocate for the uncaffeinated with developmental disabilities.)
a friend of mine who attends BU MAMS spoke with their admissions office for me and found out that they will be accepting applications until august. so for those who are still looking for postbacs/SMPS, you should def apply