Is pedo right for me?

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May 8, 2016
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The deadline for match submit is next week and I'm not sure if pedo is right for me. I could use any advice from current residents or practicing pediatric dentists. Did you ever doubt it was a right move for you or were you always 100% into it? A year ago I was so into it, but after going through the interviewing process, my heart was not so much in it. General practice isn't the best at times but since my gut isn't screaming go into pedo, I'm afraid I'll hate it. What should I do??

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Throughout your interviewing process, what turned you off to it? Did you do any externships? I think there's good opportunity for GDs who like kids, but may not want to focus solely on them, to treat kids and their family. Of course you'll never be as experienced with that population as a specialist, but it leaves the referral option open. As a specialist you're the end of the line. I'm facing the same dilemma (except I'm a third year), figuring out if pedo is the right move for me. Would be interested to hear your insight in regards to your change of heart
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I actually work part time in an office that is about 75% pedo, but I'm just not sure if I want to make the jump where it's 100% kids. Such a tough decision!
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The deadline for match submit is next week and I'm not sure if pedo is right for me. I could use any advice from current residents or practicing pediatric dentists. Did you ever doubt it was a right move for you or were you always 100% into it? A year ago I was so into it, but after going through the interviewing process, my heart was not so much in it. General practice isn't the best at times but since my gut isn't screaming go into pedo, I'm afraid I'll hate it. What should I do??

I wasnt sure late third year if it was definitely for me. I was definitely leaning towards it, but not gut screaming, and slightly nervous i couldnt commit to this for a lifetime. All of my friends seemed to think I was perfect for it, but i knew it only mattered if I wanted it. I did some externships, and decided to go for applying. Come interview time, I was definitely set on pursuing it. I havent regretted it, and absolutely love residency and the future prospects of it. I think it's like applying to dental school. does anyone really want to stare into mouths all day long? how can you really know? Its also hard since i know im indecisive.

With that said, do you enjoy interacting with children, and with patient management, TSD, distraction? The work itself is easy, the toning out the screaming is the hard part, and it's not too bad. Very few days do i come home exhausted or in a bad mood due to work. I know if i didnt enjoy working with children, this would be different. definitely dont do it for the lifestyle.

One thought is if you are truly unsure, I would rank GPRS first, and consider re-applying next year. It would look poor to match PEDO, and break match to do a GPR. your pedo chances would be over. It could be a bad decision to go into pedo having doubts. positives to GPR are you will be quicker, can still see children, and only spend one year to confirm what you want to do. do some externships, and shadow on weekends. It might be worth the one year to ensure you wont make the wrong decision. Then when you interview next year, you have the option of saying "oh, i applied and didn't match, but i am still set on pedo"
downsides: ADAT, one year doing a GPR.
Do you have the grades ?
Do you like kids ?
Are you a patient person ?
If Yes. Then ask yourself, can you be a pedo ?
Because I don't know the answer to your question.
I'm a GP that focuses on kids. Pedo has its own challenges esp dealing with scared/bad kids, but the dentistry is so easy. No lab bill, just crowns, fills, seals, all day long. It can get boring at times , but it can really give you a nice lifestyle.
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