Hi friends,
I am a soon-to-be senior in undergrad. I am thinking pre-med but want to have a Plan B just to be safe because we all know how competitive med school is.
I am concerned that I have school-switched one too many times. I went to community college to save money, then to State University #1. I was the victim of stalking from a grad student there after a bad date (he seemed sane at the time). I had to switch to University #2 after a few years there for my own safety. (My apologies for the TMI.)
State University #1 is all-online for this spring and summer - exactly the amount of time I need to graduate - because of COVID and so it's not a hazard to my personal safety for me to study there because I won't *physically* be there. University #1 has the program for my Plan B whereas University #2 doesn't, which is what makes me want to come back for a little bit and finish my last ~30 credits there. There were also family reasons for me to go to University #2 for a time that are now resolved.
That said, medical school is still Plan A and I don't want to jeopardize that by moving around too much.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Happy Holidays!
A concerned academic transient