Medical Is switching schools too much a red flag?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Hi friends,

I am a soon-to-be senior in undergrad. I am thinking pre-med but want to have a Plan B just to be safe because we all know how competitive med school is.

I am concerned that I have school-switched one too many times. I went to community college to save money, then to State University #1. I was the victim of stalking from a grad student there after a bad date (he seemed sane at the time). I had to switch to University #2 after a few years there for my own safety. (My apologies for the TMI.)

State University #1 is all-online for this spring and summer - exactly the amount of time I need to graduate - because of COVID and so it's not a hazard to my personal safety for me to study there because I won't *physically* be there. University #1 has the program for my Plan B whereas University #2 doesn't, which is what makes me want to come back for a little bit and finish my last ~30 credits there. There were also family reasons for me to go to University #2 for a time that are now resolved.

That said, medical school is still Plan A and I don't want to jeopardize that by moving around too much.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Happy Holidays!


A concerned academic transient
Won't be an issue. Get a LOR writer to explain circumstances

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Yes, more so because it has my backup. Both of them are online because of COVID.
If both universities offer the prerequisite courses with about the same rigor, then you could pick either one honestly. Since you are being risk-averse (and rightly so) I would picking uni #1 is fine.
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