Is the AAPL forensic review course recorded?

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Apr 22, 2021
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My fellowship director says it is and that we're all given the recordings on a USB drive but I don't see anything on the AAPL website indicating that they'll be recorded.

Wondering if I need to make surreptitious recordings to review later or if I'll get an official copy....

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When you register for the course it says you will receive a "CD ROM" of the class, which is archaic at best. I think, at least I hope it's a USB. But in the registration it does say you will receive something.
When you register for the course it says you will receive a "CD ROM" of the class, which is archaic at best. I think, at least I hope it's a USB. But in the registration it does say you will receive something.
Well, CD-ROM's have very little storage capacity so I assume that's going to be PDF's. I was hoping someone who's done the course recently could shed some light on whether there are recordings provided or not.