Is there a current list of yellow ribbon medical schools?

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Analog Synth Guy

Full Member
Aug 28, 2023
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I ran across this thread looking for YR medical schools, but it's almost a decade old: Yellow Ribbon Medical Schools

Surely there are new ones, or some have changed tuition covered, etc. The VA's yellow ribbon school doesn't break the list down by medical school, so I'm trying to find the most current and comprehensive list. I appreciate that the above thread has number of students admitted and amount of tuition covered, so something like that would be awesome. I didn't want to post there because it said my reply would be marked as spam.


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No, like I said, the VA list doesn’t list medical schools (or at least doesn’t break them out among the other schools). So I’d have to go to each one and find out if they have a medical program, etc. was hoping someone had an actual official up-to-date list of just YR medical schools.
If you search the database using the terms "medical" and "medicine", you can find the schools they have listed (though there are some random acupuncture, med tech etc., schools you'll have to wade through). Here's the results for "medicine":

I'd still recommend contacting each school you are interested in and confirming their participation. On the undergraduate side, the database isn't always accurate, so I'd assume the same is true for medical schools.
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