Is there a posting for comlex scores and residencies?

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Jan 2, 2008
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I need some sort of refence for deciding what type of residency program to look into--

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I need some sort of refence for deciding what type of residency program to look into--

What are you interested in???? Go into that field. If you have not taken COMLEX 1 yet, study really hard, and aim for the highest score possible. If you have already taken COMLEX 1 and scored poorly, then that's a little different. You have 2 options. Take the USMLE and score as well as you possibly can; or research the field(s) that you are interested in and see what type of scores are required.

You can match into any foeld you want to. It's just a matter of what you're interested in.

Hope this helps.
I need some sort of refence for deciding what type of residency program to look into--

Your residency shouldn't be based on your score, but your interest. This is a silly thread.

But since you are asking, apply to family medicine and some transitional years to put at the bottom of your rank list.