is this a lab report or thesis?

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my lab report is 50 pp. and this is for an undergrad lab. has anyone else had to write anything ridiculously long and tedious?

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depends on the lab. what did you do? some labs takes longer to explain and analyze.
Wow, and I was complaining about having to write a 15 page report.
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Originally posted by crazy250
depends on the lab. what did you do? some labs takes longer to explain and analyze.

2 part exercise physio. the first part was for single subject. the second part was for trained and untrained groups. each part had 20 dependent variables.
20 dependant variables? Sounds more like a thesis for me.

I've done 25 page lab reports, and my friend a UPenn has done 30-page lab reports, but I'm not sure it's as much as yours.
Former Ex phys major here- I do remember a couple 12 pagers for inro to ex phys, but never a 50 page monstrosity. Damn. Best of luck to you
Oh I once took a two-quarter class, 2 midterms per quarter.

The midterm consists of writing THREE research papers, each has to have at least 10 references. And we have about 4-5 days to do this (Prompts given out on Thursday, papers due on Tuesday).

It was insane...wherever there's midterm, I can't even plan on doing ANYTHING for the weekend.
Thats a thesis...thats crazy....i've done one or two reports that were around 20 pages of (double spaced) text for bio labs...but nothing like 50

This is the kind of thing that just ticks me off....i just dont get the point behind writing up lab reports for teaching labs....its not like you're doing some novel experiment....the data is always questionable....they expect concrete determinations to be made on ****ty data....and sometimes they even want it formatted like a journal article...which has nothing to do with science......grrr...i blame the people who havent learned to write but take science classes...the lab write ups are required because sometime in the past they realized that lots of people perform the basics of writing...avoiding the first person and writing in past tense and what not...

Can you tell how much I despise doing busy work? :D
Originally posted by bewitched1081
my lab report is 50 pp. and this is for an undergrad lab. has anyone else had to write anything ridiculously long and tedious?

Reminds me of pchem lab

the experiments themselves are nice and fast (1-2 hrs each) - but each experiment required a lot of calculation and analysis, resulting in 30+ pages, and on a few occasion, close to 100 pages per lab report

Anyone remember doing the rotational/vibrational spectra of HCl and DCl? The experiment itself was a quick setup and run - the math pretty easy (simple calculus stuff) - but the time it took to place it in excel and do the math - wow, imagine spending 10+ hrs just doing excel +pity+