is this clinical?

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Jul 20, 2018
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I always thought this was nonclinical but i am second guessing myself now.

My tasks have been directly supporting a people with disabilities on things such as shower, walking with them to places, appointments in a residential setting. But I have also done cleaning/cooking/driving. I do not administer medications but I know about the medical information and interventions(measuring blood pressure or seizure etc) that I need to take & contact the nurse if necessary.

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This is what might be called "custodial care" and is supportive of the client's activities of daily living, not so much "healthcare related" as I just responded to another poster who had that specfic term in a secondary.

That said, the care you provide is very intimate and the population is vulnerable. That will be seen in a positive light in terms of experience even if it is not specifically "clinical".
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This is what might be called "custodial care" and is supportive of the client's activities of daily living, not so much "healthcare related" as I just responded to another poster who had that specfic term in a secondary.

That said, the care you provide is very intimate and the population is vulnerable. That will be seen in a positive light in terms of experience even if it is not specifically "clinical".

So in AMCAS, would I categorize this as nonclinical? I read some posts on sdn where people were recommending clinical as a category for this. Thank you!
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When in doubt, call it non-clinical. The adcom can always upgrade it in their minds to "somewhat clinical" and that will be good for you but if they think that you are stretching it when you call it clinical, that will be bad for you.
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