Is this non-clinical volunteering

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7+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2017
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Really struggling with this requirement. I work full time and barely have time for my scribe volunteering.

Here's the description:
Medi Hospice is looking for caring, sensitive and compassionate volunteers to make a difference in someone's life. We have patients who need volunteers to offer simple companionship, or to engage with books through reading, or to play simple card or board games. We need people who are willing to offer 1-4 hours per week. Our patients are often lonely or isolated. They may have friends but those people are not comfortable with the dying process. Hospice is all about living, until the end. We endeavour to meet our patient's physical, social, spiritual and emotional needs. volunteers are friendly vistors who can listen with compassion. Volunteers can hold a patient's hand or play an instrument to calm the soul. We need pet therapy animals and musicians who are willing to bring their unique flavor and talent to our hospice patients. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life of our patients and their families through the consistent presence of hospice volunbteers. If you have a heart to serve the dying then you can be a hospice volunteer!
We will provide you with comprehensive hospice training!
If you are a compassionate, caring individual and would like to know more about hospice volunteering, please call or email today!

Is this non-clinical volunteering ?

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Based on what I have seen here, hospice is clinical and one of the best. At least, our Jedi master @Goro highly favors it.
That’s great but I’m already getting clinical experience from my position at a free health clinic as a volunteer scribe. Can you help me find something for no -clinical volunteering? Thanks
That’s great but I’m already getting clinical experience from my position at a free health clinic as a volunteer scribe. Can you help me find something for no -clinical volunteering? Thanks
I do around 5-6 hours a week when I can at a food bank. Great service to community and underserved at the same time.
Mentor a kid (Big Brother/Big Sister, Scouts, etc), tutor kids, tutor in an adult literacy or ESL program, food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter, if you interact with the clients.