Is this year more competitive?

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MCAT Rudy Ruettiger
10+ Year Member
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
I am just wondering, it seems as though there are a lot of great applicants on the panic thread and other threads here on SDN who haven't been having much luck this cycle, is this typical, or does anyone think that this year has been more competitive than the typical application year?

(i.e. maybe schools are just behind this year, giving out less interviews, a lot more applicants, etc..)

As an aside, I am grateful for my lone acceptance (which is still my only interview so far), but I can't help but wonder why I haven't heard from ANY other schools. Maybe this year in general has been harder on everybody across the board?

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There seems to be a general trend of marginally increasing competitiveness each year. In the end there are only a limited amount of seats in medical schools, and while there are new ones popping up only recently, it does not get anywhere close to keeping up with the increasing number of applicants.
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I am just wondering, it seems as though there are a lot of great applicants on the panic thread and other threads here on SDN who haven't been having much luck this cycle, is this typical, or does anyone think that this year has been more competitive than the typical application year?

(i.e. maybe schools are just behind this year, giving out less interviews, a lot more applicants, etc..)

As an aside, I am grateful for my lone acceptance (which is still my only interview so far), but I can't help but wonder why I haven't heard from ANY other schools. Maybe this year in general has been harder on everybody across the board?

I don't know about the other applicants but you are a great applicant. I think your problem lies in the schools you applied to. 14 is a just a tad on the low side for someone with your stats if you're looking for several interviews.

The biggest problem lies in your choice of schools. I would say you are competitive at 9 out of 14 of the schools you applied to. There are tons more schools that would have possibly given you an II that you could have swapped out for those 5 schools that are considered a reach.

But in the end, you're doing well and have your acceptance. :)
Do schools re-review applications in Spring for less competitive applicants at that particular school? If this is true than you cant make assumptions about how competitive this cycle is until the fat lady sings. Plus, this cycle started later compared to last year.
I have the same feeling. I got a lot of II quickly but haven't heard anything from new schools in two months.

Sent from my iPod using SDN Mobile app. Please excuse the typos.
We have more applicants this year and the same number of interview slots as in the past. So, the proportion of applicants who will get an interview will be lower than last year.
I wonder how much of the increase in applications has to do with more applicants in general versus each applicant applying to a larger number of schools? SDN was a big factor in me applying to a larger number of schools than I originally planned.
We have more applicants this year and the same number of interview slots as in the past. So, the proportion of applicants who will get an interview will be lower than last year.

Does the selectivity increase as you get later into the application cycle? Browsing the school-specific threads, there seemed to be a very large abundance of interviews handed out throughout July and August. Around September the number of interview invites slowed down considerably, and now most of the threads have had only a few interview invites in the past month.Is this selection bias because SDN users typically apply earlier, or is something else going on?
Does the selectivity increase as you get later into the application cycle? Browsing the school-specific threads, there seemed to be a very large abundance of interviews handed out throughout July and August. Around September the number of interview invites slowed down considerably, and now most of the threads have had only a few interview invites in the past month.Is this selection bias because SDN users typically apply earlier, or is something else going on?

+1 I would like to know the answer to this as well.... I haven't heard back from most of the schools that I applied to in a long long time
I have the same feeling. I got a lot of II quickly but haven't heard anything from new schools in two months.

Sent from my iPod using SDN Mobile app. Please excuse the typos.

Same here. I got a few invites early on, but nothing as of late. I'm complete at some schools coming up on 4 months now.
I wonder how much of the increase in applications has to do with more applicants in general versus each applicant applying to a larger number of schools? SDN was a big factor in me applying to a larger number of schools than I originally planned.

Furthermore, I wonder if the increasing "competitiveness" of applicants has anything to do with more and more people on SDN thinking you have to establish a non-profit clinic in third world countries which aims to treat gay, HIV+ orphan boys with schistosomiasis if you want to have any chance of getting into medical school.
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I don't know about the other applicants but you are a great applicant. I think your problem lies in the schools you applied to. 14 is a just a tad on the low side for someone with your stats if you're looking for several interviews.

The biggest problem lies in your choice of schools. I would say you are competitive at 9 out of 14 of the schools you applied to. There are tons more schools that would have possibly given you an II that you could have swapped out for those 5 schools that are considered a reach.

But in the end, you're doing well and have your acceptance. :)

I don't want to turn this into a "what are my chances thread" or panic thread because that wasn't the purpose here, but I appreciate your response, and I can't help but wonder why I haven't heard from the 9 schools that you think I'm competitive at.

And I guess from everyone's comments above, it seems as though the number of applicants increasing every year just makes it that much more competitive. And the fact that scores and gpa's keep going up probably adds to it. I was just wondering if each year follows a small steady increase or this year seems especially competitive.
I don't want to turn this into a "what are my chances thread" or panic thread because that wasn't the purpose here, but I appreciate your response, and I can't help but wonder why I haven't heard from the 9 schools that you think I'm competitive at.

And I guess from everyone's comments above, it seems as though the number of applicants increasing every year just makes it that much more competitive. And the fact that scores and gpa's keep going up probably adds to it. I was just wondering if each year follows a small steady increase or this year seems especially competitive.

It's really just the nature of the beast when it comes to applying to medical school. Being "competitive" based on stats only gets you so far. At the end of the day, a school has to just "see" something that they like about you to invite you to interview. They might like the stellar stats, a great academic record, a compelling personal journey, or really interesting EC's or unique passions...or perhaps they read a really good LOR...whatever it is, it's a subjective process and subjective decision. So I don't know if we can "explain" why any of us don't receive II's from every school we're competitive at stat-wise, nor do I think it's wise to try and do so.

I've had the privilege of attending several interviews, and in preparing for my interviews I've tried to think about "why" a school saw something in me to invite me to interview there, and try to make sure to study that and communicate and affirm that during my interview. And the interesting thing is, when speaking to my interviewers at these schools (these are open file interviews), these reasons or unique points of my application inevitably become things that we talk most about during my interviews.

This is my 3rd cycle applying...haha and I obviously have applied to a TON of schools. And sure, I def think about why one school has invited me to interview, or even accepted me vs the LARGE majority of my other schools which remain silent--but in the end I think I've learned from being a multiple reapplicant that this is really such a subjective process. I've had success this year because for the first time I'm applying to school with passion and maturity--something I did not have in years past. And thankfully, schools are taking note, appreciating this quality, and I guess they liked that in my app! :)

Congrats again on your acceptance! It must be a huge pressure release. Who knows, maybe one of your other schools will see something they like soon and give you an II! But don't get all tied up about why you seem to only have one II or why so many schools have said no. It's not a knock on you! You've been accepted to med school! :)
I wonder how much of the increase in applications has to do with more applicants in general versus each applicant applying to a larger number of schools? SDN was a big factor in me applying to a larger number of schools than I originally planned.

No. It's a bad economy. There arent a surplus of great jobs right out of college. So the best and the brightest are choosing to double down on their student loans and get professional degrees, and wait out a bad economy. Law school and med school applications frequently go up when times are tough.
Does the selectivity increase as you get later into the application cycle? Browsing the school-specific threads, there seemed to be a very large abundance of interviews handed out throughout July and August. Around September the number of interview invites slowed down considerably, and now most of the threads have had only a few interview invites in the past month.Is this selection bias because SDN users typically apply earlier, or is something else going on?

We try to be equally tough on everyone regardless of whether we see them early in the season or late. Of course, there are more qualified applicants than there are interview slots so with deep regret, some excellent applicants can't be interviewed. That is one good reason to apply broadly.

With regard to the dates on which interview invitations are extended, I think that this varies by school and there isn't any rhyme or reason (however, this week AAMC is meeting in San Francisco so it is likely that there are few if any interviews scheduled this week and you may see fewer interview offers being extended.)

Last year there were 45,266 applications including 33,772 first time applicants and 19,517 matriculants.
We try to be equally tough on everyone regardless of whether we see them early in the season or late. Of course, there are more qualified applicants than there are interview slots so with deep regret, some excellent applicants can't be interviewed. That is one good reason to apply broadly.

With regard to the dates on which interview invitations are extended, I think that this varies by school and there isn't any rhyme or reason (however, this week AAMC is meeting in San Francisco so it is likely that there are few if any interviews scheduled this week and you may see fewer interview offers being extended.)

Last year there were 45,266 applications including 33,772 first time applicants and 19,517 matriculants.

That's just sad, 57% get rejected. As a reapplicant, it really sucks to be in those 57% and my heart goes out to everyone who has a terrible experience this cycle. Hang in there!
I have the same feeling. I got a lot of II quickly but haven't heard anything from new schools in two months.

I haven't heard anything but to rejections. My app was a bit too late though.
That's just sad, 57% get rejected. As a reapplicant, it really sucks to be in those 57% and my heart goes out to everyone who has a terrible experience this cycle. Hang in there!

Maybe there should be public service announcements on TV...

Pre-meds...Most of us will go pro in something other than medicine.
Maybe there should be public service announcements on TV...

Pre-meds...Most of us will go pro in something other than medicine.

Hahahah that is quite hilarious, actually. :laugh:
Although quite sad..
Maybe there should be public service announcements on TV...

Pre-meds...Most of us will go pro in something other than medicine.

Lmao this should be shown at every bio 101 and chem 101 class across the nation.
Having been on SDN for years now, this seems par for the course for what sentiments are usually popping up around now.

"Same stats, applied a month later, no interviews but you have 12? WHAT?" --> seeming disproportionate bias toward those who applied months weeks or even days earlier.

"It seems more competitive this year!" --> just like every year since post-economic crunch in 2008.

"Personally, I don't really see why so many schools are rolling, and why there isn't a wait for a plurality of applications to be received before beginning the review process. Students may be rushed to apply early, but is there really a benefit to rushing to finish things on the school's side? There's more than enough applicants to fill a class, and the rush discourages by its nature a full review of an application.

"Buuuuuut the system has no reason to change, and of course, methods vary by school, etc. etc., but still. It's just not something I can wrap my head around easily. Applying early shouldn't carry such a considerable advantage." ---> posted every year.
Having been on SDN for years now, this seems par for the course for what sentiments are usually popping up around now.

"Same stats, applied a month later, no interviews but you have 12? WHAT?" --> seeming disproportionate bias toward those who applied months weeks or even days earlier.

"It seems more competitive this year!" --> just like every year since post-economic crunch in 2008.

Personally, I don't really see why so many schools are rolling, and why there isn't a wait for a plurality of applications to be received before beginning the review process. Students may be rushed to apply early, but is there really a benefit to rushing to finish things on the school's side? There's more than enough applicants to fill a class, and the rush discourages by its nature a full review of an application.

Of course, methods vary by school, etc. etc., but still.

Reasons why he belongs on the Bruce Wayne 2012 ticket.
Having been on SDN for years now, this seems par for the course for what sentiments are usually popping up around now.

"Same stats, applied a month later, no interviews but you have 12? WHAT?" --> seeming disproportionate bias toward those who applied months weeks or even days earlier.

"It seems more competitive this year!" --> just like every year since post-economic crunch in 2008.

"Personally, I don't really see why so many schools are rolling, and why there isn't a wait for a plurality of applications to be received before beginning the review process. Students may be rushed to apply early, but is there really a benefit to rushing to finish things on the school's side? There's more than enough applicants to fill a class, and the rush discourages by its nature a full review of an application.

"Buuuuuut the system has no reason to change, and of course, methods vary by school, etc. etc., but still. It's just not something I can wrap my head around easily. Applying early shouldn't carry such a considerable advantage." ---> posted every year.

Just because applying early is advantageous doesn't mean that applying early necessitates a rush on the side of applicants or schools. It's no secret when the application opens, people can begin preparing early. From an applicant's standpoint, I like rolling admissions because it allows applicants to get acceptances early and it can reduce the stress of the entire application year. If anything the deadline should be earlier than it is so that people won't be lured into a false sense of safety when they apply in sept or oct.
No. It's a bad economy. There arent a surplus of great jobs right out of college. So the best and the brightest are choosing to double down on their student loans and get professional degrees, and wait out a bad economy. Law school and med school applications frequently go up when times are tough.

This year there is actually a decreases in law school application because of the increase of the last 4-5 years. It is considerably easier to get into top-15 law schools with a LSAT of 170 and lower this app season.
This year there is actually a decreases in law school application because of the increase of the last 4-5 years. It is considerably easier to get into top-15 law schools with a LSAT of 170 and lower this app season.

Could it be because law is getting a bad rep? I mean, there's no deterrent like hearing about graduates from top-15 schools doing nothing but playing COD all day due to the job market.