General Is transferring to a lower-cost school a good or bad idea?

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Oct 27, 2013
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Hey guys. Confused, again lol. So I've been having an upward trend and everything in my grades from the last time. Got a 4.0 (finally!!) this semester. ANYWAYS, the school I go to is super expensive. I want to transfer to a public, I'll be going into my 3rd year. But, for the priv school I am in now, I have 4 eboard positions lined up for me next year in really good Science/dental/community service related clubs. Even in the making of starting a club. The public school will be a fresh start. I have no shadowing hours yet because my dental assistant job got taken over by coronavirus before I could start. I'm confused on what to do. Should I just suck it up and stick with taking out $20k loans every year? I dorm for my priv school and will have to dorm for the public school too. By the end I'll be about $80k in debt, not even counting interest. But I'm not sure how much of a difference it would be for an instate public school? I feel like the eboard positions will help a bit with my dental school application. Guidance please! Oh and I plan to take the DAT next spring (2021).

But I'm not sure how much of a difference it would be for an instate public school?

Usually tuition is posted online on the schools' websites.

Dorming in either case is likely similar in cost unless there is a huge COL difference between the areas.

Check whatever public school you're referring to and see their tuition and update how much it will cost.

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It's a tough call since you know your financial situation. You need to see what classes can transfer towards a degree at your new institution. A lot of students are contemplating cheaper options, especially if their campuses won't open and classes continue to be delivered online.

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Like @MusicDOc124 stated above, most schools have very close costs for housing in dorms unless you are in two completely different areas where cost of living is different.

If I could go back to undergrad, the one thing I would change is I would have gone to the cheaper school. Overall, dental/medical schools don't care about where you go to undergrad (unless it's like Harvard vs. community college, haha). They are more about how you perform. That being said, if you think you can get some shadowing and your other ECs done at this new school, I would do it for financial reasons. Once you add in your dental school tuition, that extra money really adds up.
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