Is working as a CNA for 1 year enough?

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7+ Year Member
Jan 24, 2016
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Hello! I hope to work as a CNA after I graduate from college, and I just wanted to know from those who have worked as a CNA before medical school if working for 1 year would be enough to expose me to this field of healthcare? If thinking of it in terms of hours, how many hours is sufficient?

I am keeping in mind quality over quantity, but I just want to hear from those who have worked as CNAs what they think. Thanks in advance!

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It depends on what you mean by exposure. You will see a good amount in terms of how the hospital works and more importantly get a lot of patient interaction but it isn't going to tell you a ton about being a doctor. It has helped me realize (even more than I knew before) that there is a lot on the negative side of working in healthcare but I feel that I'm prepared to deal with it more now that I've seen it first hand.
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I only worked for a semester before I had to start studying for my MCAT. I found it to be an incredibly valuable time with plenty of eye opening experience about the pros and cons of working in healthcare. Depending on where you work it can definitely be a rough job but as long as at the end of the day you can see the good you're doing you should get a lot of good experience out of it.

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