
  1. L

    Community college class listed as 96 credit hours

    I'm taking two EMT classes over the summer to get my certification through a community college. I couldn't find anywhere that showed the number of credit hours the classes were worth until I pulled up the course catalog. It says there that the class is worth 96 credit hours!? I'm positive this...
  2. idkjustchooseone

    What should I concentrate on next?

  3. entireparsley

    Question about Volunteering Hours

    I volunteer at an organization that collects donated food from businesses in Manhattan and delivers the food to local homeless shelters and food banks. Note, I have a leadership role in this organization. This is not a very time-consuming process. Probably about 30-45 minutes. However, I spend...
  4. N

    Virtual volunteering during pandemic- does it count?

    I am obtaining non-clinical volunteer hours for a non profit organization that provides aid to the less fortunate affected by natural disasters worldwide. However, I began volunteering a month ago and I am a social media advocate so it is entirely virtual. I am wondering if even after the...
  5. Perchperkins

    Is it still worth asking doctors to let you shadow them during a time like this?

    This question may seem silly but I guess it’s worth asking. I’m an incoming sophomore premed student. In my freshman year I was just getting into volunteering but since COVID happened, we got sent home and the hospital suspended volunteering for a bit. Now that we are going back to college for...
  6. chadette

    How seriously do med schools take ec verification?

  7. F

    Clinical Volunteering Projected Hours

    So apparently I'm able to list projected hours of clinical volunteering if I apply before starting my gap year. Do these hours factor into the required hours for medical schools? Currently looking at a little under 100 by the time I apply but will have over 200 by the time I matriculate. I think...
  8. npbuac

    Work/Activities - Military Service hours?

    I'm trying to get ahead on my work/activities section for the 2019 cycle. I served 3 years active duty USAF, how should the hours be calculated? My schedule was sometimes sporadic, some days I'd be on for 12-24 hrs, most of the time an 8 hr shift. Please advise. Thank you.
  9. D

    future research hours unfulfilled

    I recently have been invited for a few interviews and am super excited. However, after reviewing my AMCA application, I noticed that I had 100 future research hours unfulfilled and did not realize until now. I was scheduled to work 16 hour weeks for 10 weeks during the summer, so I low-balled...
  10. Hartroc

    Psych Hospital PT Clinic as Clinical Experience

    Hey all! I'm brand new here and signed up specifically to ask this question regarding my clinical exposure (though I'm impressed by this community and will probably stick around). I take the MCAT and begin applying to schools next year. In the meantime, I volunteer in the physical therapy...
  11. Hartroc

    Psych Hospital PT Clinic as Clinical Experience

    Hey all! I'm brand new here and signed up specifically to ask this question regarding my clinical exposure (though I'm impressed by this community and will probably stick around). I take the MCAT and begin applying to schools next year. In the meantime, I volunteer in the physical therapy...
  12. P

    extracurricular hours

    Hi everyone! just wondering, what is considered the base amount of hours of experience shadowing, volunteering (both clinical/nonclinical), research, and paid clinical work? I am under the impression around: shadowing: 60 hrs clinical vol: 200 hrs nonclin vol: 150 hrs research: not "required"...
  13. woopsidaisy


    I made a major mistake on my AMCAS. For my most recent employment, I meant to write 1600 hours but instead wrote 6600 hours. I did not realize the mistake until I was going through my primary while working on secondaries. Obviously, this isn't something that will be missed by many medical...
  14. J

    How do you log hours?

    How are you supposed to log your shadowing hours, ECs, community service, and things of that nature? I have heard several different things and was just wondering if someone could give a straight forward answer. Are signatures required on these thing? Also, how do submit your hours on an...
  15. F

    Need advice!

    So I am currently in a bit of a situation. I only have observation hours in 2 locations, and had had my heart set on submitting my application as soon as summer classes were over. Now I am weighing my options of submitting it later. I had an internship set up for August, which has now been...
  16. deweystrontium

    MD Do I have a chance? Where should I apply? (3.9 GPA, >515 MCAT)

    I'm a rising senior and I attend a top 20 institution, but I live super nearby so I just commute. My GPA is 3.9+. My MCAT scores come out next month, but I know I'll prob get above the 90th percentile (On all three AAMC practice exams I was above the 95th (I took them under test-like...
  17. Y

    Weighing two different volunteering opportunities

    I'm a nontrad just starting on this long hard road. I already have some volunteer experience, but I am sorely lacking clinical volunteering hours. I have two opportunities lined up to remedy this, and am weighing their respective pros and cons. Opportunity 1: Pros: I can start in a clinical...
  18. S

    Shadowing right before submitting AMCAS

    Hi all, I'm applying this cycle. I will be taking the MCAT on June 1st, and my goal is to submit my primary application by June 10ish. I currently have about 65 hours of shadowing (pediatrician, psychiatrist, internist) that I've done over the past 1.5 years. There is an ER physician I know...
  19. D


  20. F

    feedback on volunteering hours?

    Since many of the feedback answers usually say the rest of the application matters, i'll give a brief description of my app before i dive into my question. - 3.8c GPA, probably 3.75s; for DO schools GPA will be much higher since they use different conversion scale for my school. - numerous...
  21. P

    Unfulfilled Hours

    I have already been accepted to a school. However, in my application, I projected that I would have completed 75 hours of this volunteering experience. However, it looks like I will only be able to do 50. Seeing that I'd only be doing 2/3 of the reported hours, is it worth calling admissions to...
  22. D

    Is clinical volunteering important when you have other clinical experiences?

    Hi all! I have been stressing about my volunteering hours. I am looking for some opinions. I volunteer with three different organizations: Project Sunshine (club that goes to local Children's Hospital Oncology Unit), a university club that goes to a local lower-income area elementary school...
  23. N

    Is it true?

    is it true that some schools only look at your last 45/60 hours of undergrad? I’ve heard some schools do that, does anyone know of any?
  24. B

    Include 4 months of scribing on application?

  25. 7

    Do Lab hours count as total Semester hours?

    For example, in my University Gen Chem 1 is 3 credit hours for the lecture and 1 credit hour for the lab to make up 4 credit hours total. When I looked up a few dental school requirements, it generally said that you need 8 semester hours of inorganic chemistry, 8 semester hours org etc. and it...
  26. I

    Will adcoms notice putting in many hours 2-3 months before applying? And does it look bad?

    I am planning to apply this cycle, and graduating this May, so I will be taking a gap year. I ended up doing the gap year because last year at this time, I came to the realization that my application wasn't where I wanted it to be as far as ECs, volunteering & shadowing hours, etc. So I took an...
  27. Kuzcoo

    Thoughts on year long plan?

    Hi, I'm currently a freshman and it's my second semester in college. I have some question in regards to taking Organic Chemistry and Physics. From what I researched, Organic Chemistry and Physics is a problem for many pre-med students, and I wonder if it’s smart to have some space between these...
  28. F

    Private practice vs hospital employed

    Hey all, Third year in med school hopefully entering the ortho field. My question is about private practice vs hospital employment. How exactly does that work? Is it still common for ortho docs to be in private practice (haven't found anything recently discussing this)? If possible, it would...
  29. conradical

    No Traditional Volunteering, Does It Matter?

    I have a fairly good application but one of my MAJOR holes is volunteer work. I have 3.9 gpa, 3.8 science gpa. I have been a senator twice for my school's student government, I am currently vice president for the largest biological sciences club on campus and I will be president next year and I...
  30. G

    Question about shadowing

    hi everyone, I have recently shadowed a podiatrist surgeon for a day. I am wondering...even though podiatry is usually its own professional school, will these shadowing hours still help me on a med school application? Thanks.
  31. F

    How many hours of experience did you have on your application for vet school?

    I currently only have 1,000 for animal experience (pet care technician for a pet hotel) and 20 from shadowing a small animal practice hospital. I know I need more hours, considering I'm about to enter college. Would my 1,000 hours of animal experience count even though it isn't veterinary...
  32. SterlingMaloryArcher

    What are your activities/experiences thus far? How long did they last and how many hours per week?

    How many have you juggled at one time? Feel free to share what makes some of them (if any) "Most Meaningful Experiences" :)
  33. R

    90 hours of physician shadowing in highschool. Waste?

    I shadowed a cardiothoracic surgeon (family friend) for 50 hours over 2 weeks in 11th grade. Later, in 12th grade, I shadowed a General Surgeon for another 40 hours, also over 2 weeks. Both were kind enough to provide me with a signed letter of proof. Would these hours be worth mentioning on a...
  34. F

    Entered wrong hours on AMCAS activities section??

    Advice on what I should do? I know I can no longer edit this on AMCAS since I've already been transmitted, but would it be advisable to tell the schools?
  35. Sortie

    Golden Number for Volunteering Hours?

    I'm aiming for my 100 hours of shadowing (The so-called "Golden Number") across a range of dental specialties and general dentistry; however, is there a Golden Number for volunteering? The impression I'm getting is that most applicants have 2-3 times more volunteering hours than they do...
  36. lickerwhicker

    *AMCAS - High school clinical volunteering hour*

  37. lickerwhicker

    *Underestimated hours for activities - Help*

  38. I

    Neurology or Neurosurgery? (San Diego)

    Hiya, I apologize in advance if this thread is in the wrong place. If it is, please move it or let me know where I can ask instead... I'm a premed student and fascinated with the brain and nervous system, and interested in both Neurology and Neurosurgery, but need some help deciding. I know...
  39. S

    Non-trad applicant: need feedback on extracurricular hours

    I am a non-traditional applicant with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering (graduated May 2016). I had been wavering between pursuing a career in engineering vs. in health for the first 3 years of undergrad, but after 3 engineering internships vs. volunteering / working in healthcare, I decided I...
  40. Neuronom

    How to determine clinical hours from EMS experience?

    How do I determine how many hours to report as clinical/patient experience from my EMS work? I could look at how many hours I've worked total, but that isn't representative of how many hours I actually spent with a patient. I did work as the primary provider for every BLS call - I never drove...