Job searching as a med school applicant

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2+ Year Member
Jun 30, 2020
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So I had an interview earlier today for a clinical research assistant position and the doctor interviewing me was a previous adcom at Cornell. So the first half ended up basically being a med school interview... I was not expecting that, lol.

Serious question though, I don't have any previous research experience, just clinical, and wanted to gain some before (hopefully) starting med school next summer. I do have a MS in biomedicine though. At interviews, I keep running into this awkward "oh ya, so I could actually only work here for about 8 months". I'm trying to find jobs listed as entry level and temporary but there aren't as many as I hoped. So far I have searched for job titles for research assistant, lab technician, lab assistant. Are there any other jobs I should look into? Thanks for the advice!

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Also, am I crazy or does having research experience seem to be becoming more expected every year, like one of the "necessary" extracurriculars?
Also, am I crazy or does having research experience seem to be becoming more expected every year, like one of the "necessary" extracurriculars?
It becomes a "requirement" so that you can keep up with the majority of applicants. Very few medical schools require research, but they don't need to if the majority of their pool has done it. Like tutoring.