Yeah, I'm just gonna do the doctor thing to make a little money on the side. I have no idea why more people aren't doing this; it's only a few years of schooling and a couple hundred thou'... Or even better, go MD/PhD, match into derm, and work part-time making 200K+. That will pay the bills so you can spend the rest of the time cultivating your art and raising the four kids you had in residency.
The great Streampaw was before my time, but I've been going through the struggle recently, and troll or genuinely naive and tactless individual, these posts are getting me through. Not this one in particular--it's kind of lame, sorry, and I'm not even sure I fully understand what you're saying, OP--but in general. I hope the Computer Science thing worked out for her, and that she came up with some better ideas for apps...