Kaplan vs Examcrackers vs Berkeley Review

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Aug 8, 2014
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I have been using exam crackers and Kaplan thus far for all content areas and verbal practice. I have the ek 1001 questions and access to the online kaplan course with the aamc practice tests and the kaplan practice tests along with their q bank etc. I am almost done going through every kaplan book, and will be doing hardcore reviewing soon. I also have the 101 verbal passges ek book as well.

Should I get anything from the Berkeley review or anything else from TPRH?

OH I also have the TPRH BS and PS sciences book.

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Having read the General Chemistry, Physics, and the majority of the Biology Kaplan books, I can say this: Kaplan sucks unless you are taking a course. The books don't really "teach" the material so much as "state" the material. I switched to TBR about 3-4 weeks ago, and let me say one thing: AMAZING. The General Chemistry and Physics books are so helpful. I never understood Acids and Bases, but I got an 11 (26/35) on Phase 1 of that chapter, and a 12 (22/27) on Phase 2 of that chapter. The passages at the end of the chapter really help to hone in on your weaknesses. They've enabled me to apply what I've learned right away to an MCAT style test, which helps me retain information better.

I haven't done Organic Chem, yet, as I haven't taken the class, so I can't speak to if it is good, but I have heard good things about TBR for that as well. Biology is a bit different, though. It is very detailed, which is great for me since I haven't taken an anatomy and physiology course. I am currently finished up the last chapter in Biology Book I (Physiology). I started out scoring 6's on the Phases, but that has steadily increased to 9's. This may sound like nothing, but for never having any experience in the subject, it's a marked improvement. What you must realize about TBR Biology is this: It's hard. Real hard. They go into so much more detail than is necessary, so if you don't want all of that detail, stick with EK or TPR.

I also own TPRH Science Workbook that you mentioned. I've only used it for a handful of passages, but the Biology passages are immensely more friendly than TBR. I did some Kidney passages after doing the chapter in TBR and scored 5/7; 6/7; and 7/7 on related passages in TPRH. Let's just say I didn't come close to that in TBR ;)

If you want LOADS of difficult passages with very detailed information, get TBR. It has really helped me in PS. I have heard that your scores from TBR passages will generally go up by 1 point when you take AAMC practice tests. I started out hoping to get 10s in each section, but on Physics and Gen Chem I have been averaging an 11, so my goal is a 12. These books have really increased my confidence and information retention, and I'd definitely recommend them.

Now, I realize not everyone wants to go as in depth as I do and may have better recall from classes. If that's the case, I would buy EK books. They are brief, but they get the most important stuff covered. Then you can fill the gaps with a previous course book or something of the sort.

I would say definitely get some more verbal passage practice. I do three every day from either TBR, Kaplan (last one! Yay! they suck!), EK 101, and TRPH Verball workbook. It's nice to see a wide range of question types.

Materials are just materials. Ultimately it comes down to how well you use them. I have a friend who memorized the Kaplan books (and books only) from front to back. Seriously, he could recite almost word for word the pages. And he got a 32. I have another who used Kaplan with TPR and only scored a 26. You can do well with many different types of materials. You just need to find what works best for you.

Good luck!
This makes me want to get the Berkley Review. So with my set, I should get the full TBR set?
Forgot to ask, how long does it take to get Berkeley Books in if you go through the website?
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I don't know! I got mine off of the SDN For Sale forums for a great price. $180 for Physics (I & II), Gen Chem (I & II), Organic (I & II), Bio (I & II), and Verbal Reasoning. Great price.

Only do get TBR if you have about 2 months left to dedicate SOLELY to content review. It generally takes about 2-2.5 months to get through all of the books. This is doing one chapter a day, with review days and one break day a week. Trust me, with these beasts, you'll need the break.
Well I have the online course to kaplan and have been doing some of that, and am almost done going through all the kaplan books one time.

Lets see, My test is on November 7th. So if I fill out my order form for the gen chem/physics books (for now), you think thats enough time?
I'm preparing for the 7th as well, and I am about a month into my content. I'll be done with review near early October with time to take practice tests. I certainly think you'd have time to utilize TBR. Just maybe not to its full capability.
Well I got them all of them except for verbal reasoning. I got tprh for verbal. Well I sent an overnight letter with the order form for 3 day shipping so I dont think I can get them any faster right now.
A good decision. If anything you can utilize the passages fully. I'd still definitely recommend using the Physics and Gen Chem books for review. It has improved my confidence immensely. And people hate Bio, but I loved the first book. I took a Kaplan Bio section today and it seemed so easy compared to TBR. Love it.