KU Med Class of 2009

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Looks like they waitlist has moved to #4 now. At least its moving, if not slowly!

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i know, it's moving so slowly! i don't really know if i have a chance b/c i'm in the 40's and at this rate it will be next year! i can keep my hopes up. but if not, i guess it's not meant to be. we'll see. . . .
Just wanted to give a big hearty congratulations to all those walking the hill on Sunday!
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well guys, this colorado girl has finally found a place to live and it looks like I'm moving out in a couple of weeks. It's pretty exciting. Maybe some of us can hang out before classes actually start and we can get to know each other before the pressure is on. Goodluck to all those on the waitlist, hang in there, we're all pulling for you.

I know I hope summer lasts as long as possible4, but I' can't wait to meet everyone.

well guys, this colorado girl has finally found a place to live and it looks like I'm moving out in a couple of weeks. It's pretty exciting. Maybe some of us can hang out before classes actually start and we can get to know each other before the pressure is on. Goodluck to all those on the waitlist, hang in there, we're all pulling for you.

I know I hope summer lasts as long as possible, but I' can't wait to meet everyone.

So. Who's still stuck doing nothing productive this summer? Everyone on track to get all the paperwork etc. done by July 1?
ForbiddenComma said:
So. Who's still stuck doing nothing productive this summer? Everyone on track to get all the paperwork etc. done by July 1?
my gosh it's hot outside. unbearable.

i've just about completed all the paperwork etc. (those online safety courses were annoying). i'm still waiting on a letter from my insurance company, but other than that, i think i'm all set. i leave for europe on tuesday and i won't be back until around the start of orientation, so until then, au revoir...
Hello All,

I just found this site, totally forgot about student doc since the application process. I'm from wyoming and have already moved out here. is anyone else in KC this summer? let me know, perhaps we could all meet at a bar one night or something.

chris w.
guyfawkes said:
Hello All,

I just found this site, totally forgot about student doc since the application process. I'm from wyoming and have already moved out here. is anyone else in KC this summer? let me know, perhaps we could all meet at a bar one night or something.

chris w.

hey what's up, welcome to the board!

several people are in KC now, and in a couple weeks, i think they'll will be even more.

on a paperwork note, how much documentation are you sending in with the immunization form? just the form? full copies of your medical record?

anyway, i'm moving from lawrence to KC in a couple weeks, but until then if anyone wants to chill in lawrence, let jmuhni or myself know

love ya,
stoic said:
hey what's up, welcome to the board!

several people are in KC now, and in a couple weeks, i think they'll will be even more.

on a paperwork note, how much documentation are you sending in with the immunization form? just the form? full copies of your medical record?

anyway, i'm moving from lawrence to KC in a couple weeks, but until then if anyone wants to chill in lawrence, let jmuhni or myself know

love ya,

In terms of paperwork: have you all only gotten that first mailing that had the checklist and other stuff? i thought they were going to send out another with parking and more information.
but, with that health stuff, i had my dad make copies of my immunization record and i filled out the student health immunization form with those dates, and attached the copy of the record. also, for the TB test, i had that done back in WYO at that student health. for the physical, i had my ER attending fill it out for me--it was great.

i'm actualy working on campus right now for the kidney institute, which is in Wahl Hall East. so, i've gotten familiar with parking and the commute from mission, and everything else.

which part of kc are you moving to?


ps. i dig the Bright Eyes and Douglas Adams quotes.
guyfawkes said:
In terms of paperwork: have you all only gotten that first mailing that had the checklist and other stuff? i thought they were going to send out another with parking and more information.
but, with that health stuff, i had my dad make copies of my immunization record and i filled out the student health immunization form with those dates, and attached the copy of the record. also, for the TB test, i had that done back in WYO at that student health. for the physical, i had my ER attending fill it out for me--it was great.

i'm actualy working on campus right now for the kidney institute, which is in Wahl Hall East. so, i've gotten familiar with parking and the commute from mission, and everything else.

which part of kc are you moving to?


ps. i dig the Bright Eyes and Douglas Adams quotes.

honestly i'm coming kinda slow on the paperwork. the university still hasn't confered our degrees (it was supposed to be done on the 24th), so I'm still waiting on that to send a transcript (they're supposed to do it as soon as the degrees are official). i told them that if i got kicked out of med school b/c of their delay i'd be back with guns.

my pcp filled out the immunization record, but didn't attach copies of the record... so i'm gonna try to deal w/that today.

and i'm currently completing the online safety training.

anyway, i'm going to KC to get the keys to my place on the friday (the first) , so i'll just hand deliver all this junk.
the offical kumc class of 2009 when are you moving to KC list:

i'll be moving in slowly over the next couple weeks and plan to be in KC full time around the 12 or 13 of july (in lawrence now).

copy this post and add your info! after we have a few people, lets try to figure out a meetup or something.

stoic - july 13ish (but available anytime!)
I have everything done that came in the first mailing. Except, I have yet to get my TB tests completed. They told me to fill in the tentative dates for the tests and send the official paperwork in when the results were back.

I am trying to sign a lease for a house this week. If we get the lease terms agreed upon, my two roommates (one other Med Student) and I will be moving into a house on 43rd St (1 block east of Rainbow) around the 23-25 of July. I could move up earlier if it looks like there is going to be a good number of people from our class already in KC. Our house, once we move in, should be available for a social gathering of sorts. :D

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Just curious -- does anyone know what number the waitlist is at?
holy crap, where is everyone? still in europe?

anyway, i just got moved into rainbow ridge. so if you want to chill, send me a pm!

also, i got all the info from kumc and time warner (the local cable internet provider) to setup outlook to access our kumc.edu accounts. if you're interested, drop me a line and i'll send the info.

what's up everyone? this summer has gone by waaaay too fast. hope you all will be ready to party come orientation week!

anyone buying a new computer soon and decided what type you're buying? i'm most likely getting a tablet, but waiting for that loan money to come in. haven't decided what brand to get yet though.

all right, we're headed out to chi-town for a few days before orientation starts. see you guys soon.
hey there guys,

Yep just bought a new computer a presario Laptop it's prett nice even if it is a little big. I've done the tablet thing and even though they look neat and the school seems to be hot on them I wasn't really that impressed with mine. and ultimately used it in regular mode almost all the time, barely ever flipping it over into a tablet. But that might just be me. anyway I'm hanging around and finishing up the stuff they sent us before the 1st. Can't wait to see you all there.

pm me anythime if you want to hang out

Hello everyone!

I ve received a couple of emails from classmates was well as others/ Peggy H. for example, and I was hoping Someone might know how to put everyone in our class into our addressbooks.

See everyone next Monday!! :)
Soup said:
Just curious -- does anyone know what number the waitlist is at?

Yah, does anyone know??
Hello everyone,

Can't wait to get started.

Does anyone know a good place to rent a microscope? I guess we're the last class where it's required :(
i rented mine from the Bookstore. it was a $100 depoist, that is fully refundable. we pick them up during orientation. not sure how many they have left.

I wouldn't worry about microscopes too much - you can easily take care of that during orientation week. Besides the KU bookstore, there should be various companies there who rent microscopes to students.
i heard you can layer 4 or 5 pairs of reading glasses from Osco and it works just as well!
never mind, doesn't work :thumbdown:
could someone PM or email me if they have worse stats than I?
I'm interviewed 2X now at KU, am non-trad 30 year old white male, did great in undergrad my 1st 2 years then current wife said no to med school and I slacked the last year and went to chiropractic, but after devorcing during first year left.
I owned several successful businesses in the following 5 years, sold them took the mcat 9,8,9 after 8 years off and like I said got KU interviews.
Premed gpa was about 3.3, but I have over 240 hours of pre and post bac that have my overall gpa at 2.98.
I havn't given up and have been on the alternate list (only due to a late late interview) at KCUMB. Im sure that my 25 mcat and my gpa and time out of school are not helping.
I grew up and have always lived in KS and KU is my 1st choice.
I am considering retaking the only 2 premed courses that I got a C in and a biochem class this fall before my 3rd interview.
What do you think?
So. Who here is going to be the gunner of the class? ;)
We closed down Downings last night...what happened to all of you?!!! Only 6 1st years by night's end. Tis a shame.... Of course, the rest of you probably made it to orientation today. Oops... :cool:
^^^ lol. I was too exhausted from the death march they put us through in the afternoon. Well, that and actually having to get up early in the morning for a change ;)

I was going to go to Harpo's tonight but then I remembered: tonight is quarter draw night, when the fake-ID crowd takes over.

I hope to be at the Levee tomorrow night, though.
and the hammer drops...now :eek:
phleebie said:
and the hammer drops...now :eek:

I say "Bring It On!" I've worked too hard to get weak in the knees now. I'm ready to kick some basic science ass.
easy tiger, it's gonna be a loooonnnnng year ;)
phleebie said:
easy tiger, it's gonna be loooonnnnng year ;)

Your right, but I'm practicing my positive-sounding defense mechanism.
ah yes. practice does make perfect.
so who all is going to memorize all the amino acids again tomorrow? it's part of the first biochem lecture.....

i'm with phleebie; the hammer is dropping.
stoic, we need to listen to that flaming lips song in your signature after test blocs: "the test...is...overrrr"
you guys in class yet?

A shout-out to felipe5 and evajaclynn, and all those other friends of mine whom I know but don't realize that they are people on sdn...

I'm excited to hear back about the "abnormal" fun you guys will be having this year.
I missed all my classes today...so I suppose that means that I'm off to an excellent start?! :)
OwnageMobile said:
you guys in class yet?

A shout-out to felipe5 and evajaclynn, and all those other friends of mine whom I know but don't realize that they are people on sdn...

I'm excited to hear back about the "abnormal" fun you guys will be having this year.

Great to hear from you dogg.....next time i get a chance i'll come up to L-town and give you a call so's we can jam a little and, well, of course, kick it

evajaclynn said:
I missed all my classes today...so I suppose that means that I'm off to an excellent start?! :)

That would be the definition of an excellent start if you looked it up in the Jaymarc Dictionary of how to do well in Medical School....my definition is not much different :)

Oh, and a friendly reminder to all you M1's to
a.)study and get through ALL relevant pre-test questions for CTB a few days before the exam
b.)if you have Wheaters, be sure and glance at all micrographs in relevant chapters as most pics come from here
c.)if McGregor provides information online, you better damn well learn it. K-baum's sections on his stuff aren't that great...plus getting through that book is like chugging pancake batter
d.) and for biochem....uhhhhh, well, just pray that he doesn't d!ck you over. Learn those notes like no other, including the "on your own" slides, for he'll sift through that stuff with a fine-tooth comb.

Thanks for the advice -- I just asked my big sib about this today. She said almost the exact same thing -- except the advice about MacGregor's online content. It seems insane that he essentially wrote his own textbook to accompany his part of the lectures. I may be a bit slow, but his explanations for bio switches are about as clear as mud.

Oh, and a friendly reminder to all you M1's to
a.)study and get through ALL relevant pre-test questions for CTB a few days before the exam
b.)if you have Wheaters, be sure and glance at all micrographs in relevant chapters as most pics come from here
c.)if McGregor provides information online, you better damn well learn it. K-baum's sections on his stuff aren't that great...plus getting through that book is like chugging pancake batter
d.) and for biochem....uhhhhh, well, just pray that he doesn't d!ck you over. Learn those notes like no other, including the "on your own" slides, for he'll sift through that stuff with a fine-tooth comb.

I thought I had a handle on this material... but then... did anyone check out those old biochem and phys tests someone sent out on email?

Those made me :confused: and :eek: and :scared: and :barf:

Let's just say that it covers slightly more than just "general concepts."

They'll be playing a pity quartet for me the day of the test: +pity+ +pity+ +pity+ +pity+
Am I the only loser who plans on spending Saturday night studying for this Friday's tests (that is when I'm not checking SDN to make sure that nothing important was posted -- "I promise just a quick look-see then back to studying")?
Soup said:
Am I the only loser who plans on spending Saturday night studying for this Friday's tests (that is when I'm not checking SDN to make sure that nothing important was posted -- "I promise just a quick look-see then back to studying")?

don't feel bad. i spent the better part of today trying to cram info into my brain.

have a beer!
Soup...if you're out there, don't take stoic's advice. That self serving gunner is just out to get ahead of you. If it were up to stoic we'd all be at keggers every night of the week while he got ahead on biochem. If you ask me, I say you study until you can't see anymore, your brain aches, and you have to call the KU med police to come scrape you off of a desk. But on the other hand...if you wanted to have a beer with someone...I "might" be able to find "someone" who could use a break too. Then you wouldn't have wasted your saturday night studying and you can say that you went out drinking this weekend yet still found time to be productive.

Jmuhnie said:
Soup...if you're out there, don't take stoic's advice. That self serving gunner is just out to get ahead of you. If it were up to stoic we'd all be at keggers every night of the week while he got ahead on biochem. If you ask me, I say you study until you can't see anymore, your brain aches, and you have to call the KU med police to come scrape you off of a desk. But on the other hand...if you wanted to have a beer with someone...I "might" be able to find "someone" who could use a break too. Then you wouldn't have wasted your saturday night studying and you can say that you went out drinking this weekend yet still found time to be productive.


Whose the gunner you or Stoic? You're both memorizing footnotes from the biochem slides while trying to encourage me to imbibe. I goofed around too much last night (adult beverages may have been involved) so tonight I'm doing the work. I must admit though its a bit hard to concentrate -- I got together with a buddy of mine this afternoon who leaves for Iraq on Tuesday. I feel a little embarassed worring about collagen while he's worrying about being shot. Anyways, I glad that I'm not the only loser with nothing better than biochem to do on a Saturday night.
i'm not a gunner, i just don't know how much effort i need to put out to scrape out a "B" average quite yet. I'd rather have a cushion and float down to a "B" than have to struggle up to one.


favorite word from med school so far: syncytiotrophoblast. you sound smart if you say it.
sin video trophy blast...nope, still sound like an idiot.
is anyone else in class right now? enzyme regulatory mechanisms are not interesting.