Leave of absence for step 1

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Jun 26, 2024
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It sounds like a LOA is your only rational option.

Unless you had significant knowledge gaps, two months of prep was excessive to begin with. All the data indicates that 4-6 weeks is optimal, with 5 weeks usually being the sweet spot. Beyond that and exhaustion and burnout set in (as you are well aware).

So take the LOA, take a break, and then hit it hard with a 5-week study plan. Do not schedule your exam right up against January rotations, and do not push your date back again unless you lose a limb. I've seen many students get stuck in the cycle of study, burnout, procrastinate, push the test back, study, burnout, procrastinate, push the test back, and so on.
It sounds like a LOA is your only rational option.

Unless you had significant knowledge gaps, two months of prep was excessive to begin with. All the data indicates that 4-6 weeks is optimal, with 5 weeks usually being the sweet spot. Beyond that and exhaustion and burnout set in (as you are well aware).

So take the LOA, take a break, and then hit it hard with a 5-week study plan. Do not schedule your exam right up against January rotations, and do not push your date back again unless you lose a limb. I've seen many students get stuck in the cycle of study, burnout, procrastinate, push the test back, study, burnout, procrastinate, push the test back, and so on.
Hi, thank you for your response. I ended up taking the LOA. It was a difficult decision but I'm hoping I can recover from this. I understand this is way too presumptuous right now and a hundered different things can change from now to the future, but what type of expectations should I have moving forward especially when it comes to matching. I'm interested in EM, IM, and PMR. Right now the focus is on just passing and making sure not to repeat the same mistake again, but having a realistic goal helps me with orienting myself.
Hi, thank you for your response. I ended up taking the LOA. It was a difficult decision but I'm hoping I can recover from this. I understand this is way too presumptuous right now and a hundered different things can change from now to the future, but what type of expectations should I have moving forward especially when it comes to matching. I'm interested in EM, IM, and PMR. Right now the focus is on just passing and making sure not to repeat the same mistake again, but having a realistic goal helps me with orienting myself.
EM = must have a pulse
IM = must have a pulse and like rounding
PM&R = must have a pulse and like PM&R