lecom housing

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Apr 14, 2004
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i recently received the information package about housing availability in erie and wanted to know if there is a location that a majority of students live? i would like to be around fellow students for those late night study sessions and other school activities.

thanks lecomers

lecom '08

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I know that a lot of students live in Lakeview (myself include). It's expensive if you don't have a roommate...and it's only 2 seconds from school. Vinyard Village is good too...

Doctortobee said:

As soon as I saw this thread was about LECOM housing, I was going to reply with the same thing. As for where other students live, I lived in Willow Wood Village, and there were quite a few students who lived there as well. My studio was cheap ($275 a month), but I'm not sure how much the townhouses are. It was a nice place to live, really clean, and the maintenance people are quick to get to you if you have any problems.
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DOtobe said:
My studio was cheap ($275 a month)

275/month!!! Wow. The cheapest thing I've heard of in FL is 400/month.
It's cheap because it's in Erie!
Doctortobee said:
It's cheap because it's in Erie!

Yeah, one of the best things about Erie is the low cost of living. In comparison, I had a studio in Pittsburgh for a month during one of my rotations, and paid $1000 a month. 😱
WHAT! WOah....I thought LECOM's hospitals had to provide you with housing? How does that work anyway?
Doctortobee said:
WHAT! WOah....I thought LECOM's hospitals had to provide you with housing? How does that work anyway?

Yes, I've been wondering that and forgot to start a thread - how do living arrangements work when on rotations?
Doctortobee said:
WHAT! WOah....I thought LECOM's hospitals had to provide you with housing? How does that work anyway?

They do, but the one hospital (Allegheny General) had housing that we had to pay for. It was supposed to be something like $500 a month, but then the damn place closed down and I had to find a place to live myself. I only live an hour of Pittsburgh so I guess I could have driven every morning, but I thought it would be a huge pain so I found a place on my own. All of my other rotations have had free housing. LECOM will tell you which hospitals have free housing and which ones have housing you have to pay for (I think a few of the Florida hospitals also charge students.)
As an aside, I just looked at my karma and it has bounced to 64! Sweet! 👍 😉
DOtobe said:
As an aside, I just looked at my karma and it has bounced to 64! Sweet! 👍 😉

That's because you provide us with such great info!
Could you tell us a little bit about what rotations you've done where, and how they were?
So far I have done...

Psych/Neuro at Allegheny General
Medicine at Mon Valley Hospital (a little hospital close to my house that is affiliated with LECOM)
Surgery at Mercy
An elective in Endocrine at West Penn
Ob/Gyn at Ohio Valley Medical Center
FP at a doctor's office near my home
Am now on Peds.

I honestly don't have too many complaints so far about my rotations. All of my attendings have been great so far (I haven't had any malignant ones yet). Surgery had long hours (5:30-5 or 5:30), but that is expected of a surgery rotation. The others vary in terms of hours (usually 10 hours a day on Ob/Gyn, but only 8 or so for the others). All of my rotations have been good so far. LECOM really prepares us well for rotations.

THose are the Erie Heights apartments. I wouldn't recommend staying there. There are LOTS of kids in that neighborhood. I really don't know if anyone in our class is living there
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...well my granada apartment was not bad... i took it because it was cheap and last minute.. the only bad part was management... they suck at everything....i have friends who haven't been so lucky with their granada apartments tho... one had mold in his apartment... one was overcharged for rent... and one had his basement apartment flooded... also in the winter.. they like to plow your car in... anyway if you HAVE to live in granada..pay the extra money and live on the top floors of the newer apartments up on the hill... it'll be worth it... BUT if you can... find another place to live....🙂
DOtobe said:
Ob/Gyn at Ohio Valley Medical Center


Is this a place affiliated with LECOM or can all DO's rotate through here? That would be very nice for me as I only live about 40 minutes from Wheeling. Pretty decent hospital BTW.
DORoe said:
DOtobe said:
Ob/Gyn at Ohio Valley Medical Center


Is this a place affiliated with LECOM or can all DO's rotate through here? That would be very nice for me as I only live about 40 minutes from Wheeling. Pretty decent hospital BTW.

OVMC is affiliated with LECOM and WVSOM. I'm sure they would take any DO students for any electives if you would want to do them there.
Hey Clayton...I heard Willowood is cool...I just got an apartment there...it seemed the greatest money for square footage ratio...good luck...see ya' in July...
Don't forget that larger apartment = larger gas bills in the winter! Just wait...
Doctortobee said:
Don't forget that larger apartment = larger gas bills in the winter! Just wait...

Oooooooooooooo. Another reason I hate winter. Thanks for remining me. 🙂
thanks for the info on willowood. i looked at appletree apartments (they're on west 11th street) recently and thought they looked ok. has anyone heard anything about them?

Isn't 11th street getting toward the ghett? The smaller the street number, the more ghetto it is....at least I think so
When I was looking for a place to live last summer I took some digital pictures which I still have saved. Just send me an PM if you're interested.
Doctortobee said:
Isn't 11th street getting toward the ghett? The smaller the street number, the more ghetto it is....at least I think so

...erie?...ghetto?...haha... white trash ghetto maybe.... come to detroit and i'll show you ghetto....
yelenakier said:
thanks for the info on willowood. i looked at appletree apartments (they're on west 11th street) recently and thought they looked ok. has anyone heard anything about them?

The 'far west' 11th St. isn't in such a bad neighborhood. Also, it's actually in Millcreek, not Erie. Only about 4 miles from school. Very close to Presque Isle too.
I live on W. 26th street, and I can truthfully say that we're on the edge of ghetto! Boy am I looking forward to getting out of Erie!!! 😀
(nicedream) said:
275/month!!! Wow. The cheapest thing I've heard of in FL is 400/month.

Forget that! A studio in West LA will cost about $1100