Letter of intent question

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7+ Year Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Given that financial aid will play a large role in my decisions to matriculate somewhere, how should I write a letter of intent (before hearing back)? As I'm wrapping up on my interview cycle, I have a pretty clear idea of which school is my top choice, but whether or not I matriculate there will be dependent on $$. The program asked us to provide info around February (non-rolling school) and before financial aid packages are sent out. Thanks!

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Or you could just not write a letter of intent since they don't really care. It is unlikely to move the needle.
With the lack of the multiple acceptance report this cycle, it's an odd cycle. Something like this might work, especially with the "plan to attend" feature coming in Feb. But for people without any accepts, I believe that an LOI is worthless.
With the lack of the multiple acceptance report this cycle, it's an odd cycle. Something like this might work, especially with the "plan to attend" feature coming in Feb. But for people without any accepts, I believe that an LOI is worthless.
Can you elaborate on this? Or anyone? Sounds useful but I have not been able to find information on it.
I don't think you can write a letter of intent if you'd change your decision based on financial aid. You can write a letter of strong interest and be as transparent as possible ("you're my top choice, given that the financials make sense"), but to actually give a letter of intent now suggests that you will go to that school if they accept you, regardless of financials.